I redesigned our arduino shield and hoped some of you could give me some feedback on it. we get a lot of questions about how to hook up everything for the LARS robot we did. so i thought this would be a good idea for a beginner kit.
I redesigned our arduino shield and hoped some of you could give me some feedback on it. we get a lot of questions about how to hook up everything for the LARS robot we did. so i thought this would be a good idea for a beginner kit.
One thing that might confuse
One thing that might confuse a beginner is that the connectors on the left side is ordered (from the top) servo, ping, two servos and three IR’s. Since you mention it’s for a beginner kit, I would suggest that you group the servo connectors together, add a little spacing, have the ping connector, a little spacing, followed by the 3 IR’s. It would be easier for someone who isn’t used to electronics that the same kind of connectors are next to each other and grouped together.