Good Bluetooth handheld

My Rover is going to be used on stage in a community theatre. My plan is to preprogram its route, and let a stage hand tweak the path using a Bluetooth handheld of some type, where the wasd keys or similar act like temporary trims. However, my experiments with an iPod touch have not been encouraging as it doesn’t even see the module… Can anyone point me at a possible solution?

Just finished assembling the rover and have the wasd running over the Bluetooth interface, but have a small issue.

Every time I power off the unit, I have to remove the device from Windows and reconnect as a new Bluetooth device. Is this normal or is it a feature of win7?


Can you post a picture of how you have the Bluetooth module connected?
Is there anything around the rover which would impede the signal?
Did you successfully upload the WASD code to the rover?

Unfortunately these devices are hobby grade and as such there are a few glitches like this. Sorry for any inconvenience.

WASD is running fine, I’m just wondering if I missed a Windows 7 bluetooth setup. None of my other bluetooth devices act like this.

I didn’t expect a professional grade robot for this price, and our budget is limited. But I think it will be more than adequate for its 15 seconds of fame and 9 performances. I’m just hoping I can get a bluetooth device to allow a stage hand to tweak the path a bit during the show, just in case it starts heading for a wall. But the connection will need to be fool proof, ahh make that stage hand proof.

It’s a comedy and the gag is at the end of act I. An actress runs out of a door and screams “A penquin bit me”. I have a two foot plastic penquin on top of the rover. It will come out the door, navigate to stage center and, hopefully, turn towards the auditorium while the sound effect of a penquin squawking is playing, and then resume it’s path in the direction of the actress, as the curtain closes.

I choose the rover, because I felt the tracks would handle the uneven stage floor ok, and I’d get some wobble from the penquin.

—Only problem I had was figuring out one must remove the module to get a new program in. Should be added to troubleshooting diagram.

Consider having the stage hand operate it by Bluetooth entirely - no programming at all (so less chance for error).

My Penquin project is progressing!

  1. I solved the Bluetooth issue merely by restarting Windows. The first time I reconnected to the Rover Windows reinstalled the driver and now it can reconnect merely be reestablishing the call from hyperterm.

  2. I programmed it last night to move 15 ft straight, turn right 90 left 270, and return to within 2 ft of starting point. Good enough!

  3. Apparently there is no way using an iPod touch 5 to connect via bluetooth. Will an Android work? Or is a Windows laptop the only alternative?

  1. The gear motors on the rover, despite being from the same production line, will likely not be identical and the robot may move in a gentle curve. We offer encoders to help resolve this (if it’s an issue).
  2. Apple is not great when it comes to development; Android is much better and much more open.