Giger: Custom Humanoid Robot

First post here but figured I would share my most recent work; an EX-106+ servo based custom humanoid robot named Giger. This bot was designed in Autodesk Inventor, and machined from 5052 alloy aircraft aluminum using a Sherline 2000 CNC and some work from Rapid Sheet Metal. He stands 62cm tall, weighs about 5kg and uses a total of 10x EX-106+, 6x RX-64s, and 8x RX-28s. Video shown is rough initial progress, walking gait still needs a lot of work and the IMU data needs to be integrated for dynamic balancing.








Update: New Brackets + Servo upgrades!



Walking, Balancing, Competing in Mech Warfare

  • Actuators / output devices: 8x RX-28 Dynamixel Actuators, EX-106+ Dynamixel Actuators, 6x RX-64 Dynamixel Actuators
  • Control method: Controlled via Bluetooth HID connection to PS3 SixAxis controller.
  • CPU: 400 mhz Verdex Pro
  • Operating system: Buildroot Embedded Linux
  • Power source: 4S 14.8v 3800mAh Battery
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Wifi Camera, ADIS 16355 IMU
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Beautiful Work! Wow!

Beautiful Work! Wow!

Giger the Incredible

Hey Tyb, fancy meeting you here!

To everyone: Giger’s stats may be impressive, but it is even more impressive to see in person. It must be about 60cm tall and looks like it could crush those puny Robonova kung-fu fighters with a single blow.

Looking forward to more updates!

Awesome robot obviously. But $10000? Seriously? :confused:

Its the actuators. A
Its the actuators. A bundle of 10 is well over $2,000. It could probably have been done with like, $10 actuators, but I don’t know really. I think I’ll try to build a cheap version of this around Christmas time just to see.

Thanks guys! Yeah the

Thanks guys!

Yeah the Dynamixels are very pricey and account for the majority of the cost, the RX-64s are about $300 a pop, RX-28s are around $200.

$10 actuators that put out over 1000 oz-in of torque is something I’d like to see though :wink:

WOW 1000 oz-in?!?!? I just

WOW 1000 oz-in??? I just found a bundle of 8 servos for a bargain- 34 bucks flat. But… they’re 17.5 oz-in haha! Whatever, I’m still going to try to make a mini-one like this. Its inspiring :slight_smile:

Also, I have Autodesk Inventor from my school. Hm…

Never mind me fellows…
I’m just jealous because I can’t afford proper hardware like that :frowning:

I love it!

nice camera too
nice camera too


That thing dont got a prayer against my work in progress (aka dream). 90 cm tall! Beautiful job, I would like to know your walking program for mine. Just a few questions…

Double-servos. do they have 2 horns or one? Can I have a Link?

Torque per cm, and length of the legs…please.

weight of finished robot

Sensors…any plans for autonomous?

Can I have the cad files emailed to [email protected]? I need to see some of those joints for my own project…


It looks very, very impressive


Thanks for posting your very

Thanks for posting your very impressive bot here. It is inspiring. There’s a lot to be learned from this bot, even if you don’t plan on spending $300 for a servo that can supply so much torque.

For example, the picture at the bottom of your post shows a simple and elegant approach to creating a gripper. Great design!

Actually it does,

Actually it does, yes!


Wow ! Very professional !
Wow ! Very professional !

I’m thinking about a two

I’m thinking about a two piece aluminium frame that could be attached to a standard servo. The servos on this bot have actuators on both sides, but we can work around that for a standard servo.

If you imagine the servo laying on its side with the round servo horn attached and positioned on the left.

Part One of the frame goes underneath the servo with a little overlap on the left for attaching it, and completely covering the right side of the servo. This forms the fixed part of the gripper. The right side of Part One also includes a round shaft that will be used to mount and pivot Part Two. This pivot shaft is directly inline with the shaft of the servo’s actuator.

Part Two is the movable part of the gripper. It is attached to the servo horn on the left, goes up above the top of the servo (recall the servo is on its side), and down the right side, with a hole that slips over the pivot from Part One.

Suitable “fingers” are attached to Part One and Part Two, or they are integral to the part, depending on how you fabricate this. A picture would be helpful, I know. I don’t have time to make one this morning. Maybe later.

Like this?

l l

ll ll

l l

Thanks! The grippers are


The grippers are dead simple, I’m actually working on some more complex ones though…



(Modeled in Inventor Pro 2008)

Nice to see you here!

Most EXCELLENT robot - as your robots usually are! I’ve seen your bots over on the Trossen Robotics forums (I just lurk there sometimes). Yours are some of the most awesome real-world robots I have ever seen. Anyway, I most certainly want to welcome you to the membership here!


WOW!!! Very good job,but how

WOW!!! Very good job,but how many servos were used for Giger