GHM-16 compatible motor mounts

Is there mounting hardware that is compatible with the GHM-16 motor?

The GHM-16 motor does not seem to have any mounting hardware specifically listed for it. Yet, based on the motor spec sheets; it appears to have the same mounting holes as the GHM-01 thru GHM-04 motors. If this is true then the GHM-16 would be compatible with MMT-02 and MMT-03. Can anyone confirm this?



Hi toygeek,

The motor lineup has changed over the years. Sorry if there are errors we will look into it.

Currently all GHM motors (1,2,3,4,12,13,16) can use the MMT-02 or MMT-03 motor mounts.

Excellent! Thanks for the fast response.

Beth went over the motor mount product descriptions and got them up to date. We have also posted PDF’s of the dimensions. Thanks for pointing out the errors. :smiley: