Getting Started - Equipment

Hi all, I am a recent mechanical engineering grad looking to start building robots at home. I have some experience with robotics and electronics but don’t own any equipment of my own and am looking for some advice on where to get started. I’m looking to start with pretty basic robots (drive around a flat surface, perform a couple small tasks) but have tons of more complicated ideas.

Looking for something relatively inexpensive (definitely under $50), relatively easy to use but still good for building up to advanced projects. I have used a Rabbit 2000 microcontroller (Dynamic C) and a Nexys 4 FPGS (VHDL) for projects in the past and done the most programming in C.

I have never had to select my own other than choosing between stock options so any input on brands/sources and interfacing them with the microcontroller would be appreciated.

Other Equipment:
What are the essentials? I’ll definitely be getting a breadboard and wire, wire cutters etc. Where are the best sources? Do I definitely need a dremmel, soldering iron, etc. or can I get away (at least initially) without them?

Thanks so much!

Hi alandis,

There are a lot of possibilities and you will have to choose according to your skills.
What’s really used a lot at the moment is anything Arduino compatible.

Lot of kits are available using Arduino microcontrollers like thoses:
OSEPP 101 Basic Robotic Car
MakeBlock mBot V1.1 (bluetooth)
Many Many more…

If you are building your own kit, you might need some tools but for something like the above you don’t.
