Boys and Girls:
I have been trying for weeks to get the Phoenix code (BotBoarduino_CH3R_PS2) to run on an Arduino Mega (I did get it running successfully on a BotBoarduino). However, when I ran it on a Mega, I got no response to the Start button on the PS2.
After beating my “C-challenged” head against the code for weeks, I realized that I had commented out the call to g_InputController.ControlInput() at about line # 378 of the main code. I had done this to avoid using any of the CheckVoltage routines, which I am not using on the Mega.
This call is needed to get any input from the PS2 controller. So this was clearly a case of “Here’s Your Problem Vern!”
Anyway, hope this saves someone some time and frustration.
Yours for well-document codes . . .
@Atomic_Penguin Welcome to the RobotShop Community! Can we get a video or two of the robot in action?
cbenson - although the chassis is built (and motion tested), I had postponed the final electronics systems and layout until I could be sure the Mega would work. So I’ve still got some design, construction, and testing to do.
I have expanded the chassis width of the Thex to 2.5", to allow me to flat-mount the Mega and a Perma-Proto board on a “luminous” red acrylic deck inside the chassis. The Perma-Proto board will house an Adafruit SoundFX board, and an ItsyBitsy auxillary microcontroller to drive neopixel strips on both sides, along with a small 5V step-down regulator board. Will also have blinking red 10mm LED eyes, and a small Adafruit OLED display.
So it is going to take me a while to complete this. Stay tuned . . .
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@Atomic_Penguin looking forward to seeing more!