Geologic Inspection Rover with Wild Thumper 6WD Chassis

I am in the planning stage for developing a rover based on the Wild Thumper 6WD chassis.  I believe this is the best platform for the money for anyone working on a wheeled rover type of robot.  I am waiting on finances to improve before buying a WT, but in the meantime I am researching what others have done and I am obtaining sensors and other lower cost items.

I am looking at using the Parallax Propeller processor with 8 cores, but I am really seeing lots of good things being done with various Arduino boards.  Also, I have an mbed and that is also a very capable processor.  If I go with the Propeller, I will likely select the SPIN language to code with, over C/C++ just because of the shorter learning curve and due also to the large code base.


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