April 17, 2007, 11:54pm
here is a little robot i named Gary AKA the BUG
i developed him for testing when i learn how to make software,
i will have some Pics tomorrow.
it runs on two wheels,with a pivot in the front,
two continues rotation servos for the wheels,and the bot board is mounted on the front,
a pan and tilt is mounted just above the pivot wheel,and has a web cam on the tilt part.
its actually a very simple robot,it only took about an hour to assemble it.
i call it the BUG for short,Because its a little Bot.
i Can’t wait to show everyone this neat little
Nice bug! Is that a USB webcam you ripped off of its stand?
It looks like it has a cord? How much feet of rope do ya got?
April 18, 2007, 10:44pm
Yea,thats the one i was talking about that i used with RoboRealm.
oh,a lot,trust me
RoboRealm? That software seems very popular now because of SN! You have any footage with robot’s view of the bot doing a mission of some sort? I would love to see it!
April 19, 2007, 12:25am
No silly,i just built it last night
Rock on - when u get it scooting across the floor please provide some video link from the webcam