Game = Stacks



Game = "STACKS"


Build an autonomous robot that starts in the “Start Box” and moves a block (or blocks) from the “Loading Zone” to the “Stack” as fast and as accurate as possible. See the game picture for reference. The goal is to autonomously move the blocks and arrange them in a stack/pile taller than 12 inches / 30 cm.

Note – this means that the stacked blocks will be taller than the starting size of the robot stacking them!



Max Robot Starting Size = 12 inches ( 30 cm ) cubed

Game Board Size = 36 inches ( 90 cm ) by 12 inches ( 30 cm)

Max Block Size = 4 inches ( 10 cm ) cubed - can be smaller

In order to win you must post a video clearly showing:

  • when the robot is turned on
  • the robots run
  • when the robot is stopped
  • the Stack height
  • the LMR logo.

The Loading Zone Starting Height: must be shorter than 12 inches ( 30cm).

No limit on parts used.

No other rules defined.

Game Judge = Long time LMR member Chris the Carpenter




Winners will be chosen by Chris based on accomplishing the task, speed, accuracy, and the general ability to perform the task well.

Chris has the final say in who wins regardless of the results.

These rules are meant to be open and to some degree subject to personal interpretation to promote creative solutions.

When is doubt, Chris has the final say in who wins.



All prizes are donated by Missouri Education 501C3, and Rocket Brand Studios.

1st place finish = $120 credit at Rocket Brand Studios.

2nd place finish = $80 credit at Rocket Brand Studios.

3rd place finish = $25 cedit at Rocket Brand Studios.

Note - Each year we plan to use a different LMR sponsor for game prizes.



Thanks for Playing Our Game!

year-month-day, hour and

year-month-day, hour…

I guess that’s just a

I guess that’s just a robotic arm, pick and place style. If that’s what you guys want people to build, that’s fine. If you are thinking of a moving robot with an arm on it, you better make the distance between the stack and loading zones at least twice as large as the diagonal of the 12" cube.


I think you have more room

I think you have more room than that as it doesn’t define where the blocks have to be placed within the square zones.

So to use a robot arm it would need a third axis to extend beyond the starting size limit to either pick them up or place them.

4" max block size and you have to stack them above 12" then that’s 4 tall.

Starting block placement would be critical for an arm to work.

I think it would be easier to build a robot fork lift.


I’ll consider entering.



Cool challenge, thanks

Cool challenge, thanks winfieldrobotics :slight_smile:

Hey I think the challenge

Hey I think the challenge ends right on my birthday!


Hello everyone,

Just to be completely open with everyone. If you don’t know, I’m related to user winfieldrobotics. He runs the charity, I just donate my time and occasionally some cash as they are a small children’s charity. They had a lot of drama this year, so I’m helping out more than normal to get them back on track. I created this game, donated some cash, and other stuff.

To be fair with the other business sponsors on LMR, I chose the business to get the prizes from this year based on 3 things:

Long time LMR membership

Activeness with the group

Diversity of products

Several of the sponsor businesses don’t offer a broad range of merchandise, or don’t actively participate in the group.

So this year that is why I chose who I did. No hard feelings intended or implied.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Thanks for letting us give stuff away.

Lets hope we get some crazy solutions to this game!


Hey, no hard feelings here,

Hey, no hard feelings here, I love CtC and his store! Well done with the chosing. I just thought the challenge is a bit easy and someone I was competing against in the past tought me to find what the rules don’t specify and use that to my advantage. Perhaps my tone wasn’t the proper one, please excuse me, sometimes the fact that I’m not native english speaker works against me. Anyway, I think the challenge can be reduced to a 5 DOF (or even less, if one uses linkages) robotic arm that makes about 4 moves, (not counting the grabbing as a move) in less than 5 seconds.


Hello everyone,

Winfieldrobotics here at myblack60impala’s house. We are working together on building an entry into this game.

In this video we’re testing the ability to stack objects taller than the robot stacking them.
Since we don’t presently have any blocks. We tested using cans which are actually harder to stack as they are not flat sided. Also since we don’t presently have a autonomous robot that can accomplish this task. We used a RC robot to prove the concept till we have time to make one. This RC robot might end up being hacked as our autonomous version as it works really well for this task.

Anyone else got a plan on

Anyone else got a plan on how to accomplish this task? 


We are playing the game too though we’re not gonna win anything. We’ve got it worked out to do this with a skid steer chassis and a integrated 2 DOF arm. We already have 90% of what we need. The rest will be: an arduino mega, a lipo battery, childrens wooden toy blocks (unless I find better) and lots and lots of hot glue and duct tape!