
Bored one Saturday, waiting on components for a new Motor Driver for the MicroCore - I decided to 'hack' together a clone/version of Wilf Rigter's uCrawler. I say 'Hack' because if you look close you may be able to tell that I've cobbled together some resistor and capacitor values from smaller values :) Surprisingly it works, although it does have traction problems getting purchase with the feet (I was aware of this limitation in the design however). 


All in all I was rather happy with the result as it does exactly what was expected.  Still 'tweaking' it since I feel the timing of each step is too fast but I always 'tweak' - even finish projects ...


Little Miss LMR (My 4yr Old) gives it a 2 Thumbs Up.


Crawls towards the brightest light source

  • Actuators / output devices: 1x HXT900 modified servo
  • Power source: 3x AA (4.5V)
  • Sensors / input devices: 2x LDR
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/g-ucrawler

Very cool! Are you using a

Very cool! Are you using a floppy drive bay panel for the chassis?

Thanks - and yes, I have

Thanks - and yes, I have found that floppy / cd/dvd drive bay covers are just perfect for a small bot chassis.

Very nice. Can this type of

Very nice. Can this type of robot be made with only two batteries (total of 3 volts)?

help me

i need this for a project university.

pls can u tell me if you removed the mechanical stops from the servo?