Futaba RBT-1 video

From a link on Tower Hobbies


So this is futaba’s version of Hitec’s Robonova :wink: JK

This is very impression. Those servos are real beefy if they can handle all those stunts. :open_mouth:

can’t help but wonder if parts of that video weren’t sped up a bit to make it appear as though it is moving faster than it really is.

If not, those look like some strong and fast servos.

yeah it appears very fast for servos so I was wondering if they sped up the video as well. most of the brackets look like they are plastic. not sure if the servos are strong or the thing is really lightweight. it is interesting though to see another servo company jumping onto the hobby robot bandwagon. :wink:

Chuck Durham has that robot,He posted some of his video Here :
And it Appears the bot is pretty Fast.

It’s way cooler than the Robonova, but that’s not saying much at this point. But I’d get the Bioloid for almost half the cost if I wanted a packaged humanoid…

The Futaba does have a lot of nice features out of the box. I just think it’s overpriced for what it is.

damn this thing makes the robonova look like trash, it has like 20 joints too.

The Futaba is an exceptional Humanoid which you can have up and running very quickly. It’s very fast and has built in 3-axis Accelerometer they call a G-Sensor, it’s got exceptional DOF and is very stable. It is small only 10 inches tall compared to the typical 12.5 - 13.5 size you find on most of the humanoids. I ended up purchasing the Bioloid waiting for the RBT-1 to ship out to me - they are so different. The Futaba currently seems to be more targeted to a wider audience, it’s more of an R/C Humanoid coming with the PS/2 style controller, you can quickly load up and have it running around and doing some slick mores. Futaba provide tons of moves on the software provided. I like the motion editor for the RBT-1 much better than the Bioloid. You can easily program the actions and more complex sequences of actions to the PS/2 control buttons. There is an empty connector that Futaba refers to in the manual for a gyro. It doesn’t have any IR or Ultrasonic sensors - and there isn’t a direct programming methods like the Bioloid’s BCP.

It is not likely to be hacked as much as some of the other, it’s a small tight package, servos are not the standard size - specific for the RBT-1. If you want to hack around your best bet is another humanoid. If you want to get playing around with a Humanoid right away, charget up the RBT-1, put in some batteries to the PS/2 and your off and doing forward rolls, backward rolls, running around (faster than just about any stock humanoid I have seen), handstands, if you hit the mode button on the PS/2 the G-sensor is on, so a click down of the left analog stick and the RBT-1 gets up from either face down or back (it uses the G-Sensor to know which move) and it’s up - again faster than any Humanoid I have seen.

Now if you really want to build a bot, get some Lynxmotion parts and have at it - currently playing with all this stuff here - awesome fun.

I have seen this bot in another video. The servos are just that fast. The video was not sped up I dont think. I will get a video of another fast moving bot I have seen and post it here:

Here it is:

youtube.com/watch?v=a5O6ik1J … ed&search=

And another one:

youtube.com/watch?v=F6hBZ9XA … ed&search=


I love the RBT-1, its such a fast little bot and great for soccer.

Impressive little bot. So is the Robonova and all the other commercial humanoids out there.

But after seeing Lynxmotion SES, I would take a Lynxmotion SES humanoid over any of those kits any day. Not only are they super fun to build, but it is backed by a wonderful community of many intelligent people. And you can expand on your humanoid very easily with SES. You aren’t limited to company special parts. Lynxmotion SES work with many different servos and you can build endlessly with them.

OmniZero is one very cool bot. I absolutely love the claw design on the OmniZero.4 bot in the second video SN96 posted!

The jump rope maneuver was great, and cracking two eggs into the pan was pretty darn impressive too. I think much of the design, except maybe the claws, could be done with the SES, but am not sure the movement would be as smooth.


that’s a cool video. With a price tag of 1399.99, it’s not that bad. Looks like a great competitor to LM’s own humanoid biped from the erector set, kondo’s khr, and robonova.

The various gait that they showed in the video was quite impressive. The developer obviously played with it quite a bit.

Yup. It would cost far more than $400 to upgrade a RoboNova to have such movement. Very nice kit! A Lynxmotion SES Humanoid would cost around the same price with similar dof.

The only drawback to the futaba, in my opinion, is its aesthetics. The blue plastic pieces on it makes the unit look goofy.

On a side note, searching for “robot” on towerhobbies.com yielded two servos from Futaba that are labeled for “robots.” The cheapie 39.99 unit is similar in performance to Hitec’s HS645MG, slightly weaker… Just wanted to note it.

One question I have in general towards these kinds of robots, are they able to operate continuously without burning up the servos?

I see Robonovas and KHRs walk around but are they both plagued with the heating issue like other robots?

I’m able to operate my biped scout for about 6-7 minutes until I cut the power because I don’t want to kill the servos. What about for the Robonovas and KHRs and these RBTs?

Huh? What voltage are you feeding to the scout? The scout can run forever as long as you supply 4.8-6v like required. If you overvolt the servos, yes they die faster.

All of these robots have heat issues. There is only so much that can be done with a motor the size of your pinky fingertip. lol Some of them (robonova) have heat protection built into the servos, but it just turns them off if they heat up. The 5980 and 5990 servos have this feature as well.