Further instruction

I have been putting together a rover and had to use a video but the video only showed basic instructions. There was still some parts to put on it afterwards.

If you are having any issues with the assembly, we are at your service - just provide some details.

It is a DF Robot Shop Rover V2. When I ordered it, the website said it was a autonomous development kit. And I need further instructions on how to put the sensor together and how to put it on the rover. I also need instructions on how to put the battery case on.

If you are new to Arduino, we strongly suggest connecting and experimenting with one sensor or IO at a time.
For example, start with the buzzer, then move to servo control.
Once you are comfortable with that, take a look at controlling the motors, then interfacing with the ultrasonic sensor etc.
Note that this is not a kit intended to have you connect all sensors and have it carry out tasks autonomously - it is a development platform.

The LiPo battery slides in between the gearbox and the lower axle.
If you use the AA battery pack, there are two holes in the PCB which match the holes on the battery case.