funny walker

this is my funny walker made out of balsa, it tracks objects with two sonic sensors and has two settings, with one setting it will just sit and track with its head and the other it will walk towards and turn towards odjects and back up if it gets to close. unfortunately the robot does not move as quick as i would like without falling over and the lipoly voltage monitor is unreliable.























the robot is powered by 2 aaa batteries to power the picaxe 28x1 and sensors and a lipoly to power ther servos



it has a 10 amp  rc plane regulator (bec) to reduce to power to the servos hiden in its head.
















The robot uses a picaxe 28x1 on a home made pcd as a brain


and the sonic sensors are not surprisingly in the head and there are leds around them that light when it sees an object



  • Actuators / output devices: 8 servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: aaa and lipoly
  • Sensors / input devices: srf02 x2
  • Target environment: Indoors. Carpet or smooth floors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very kewl

looking robot. Please continue to share. :slight_smile:

Now that is one cool robot.

Now that is one cool robot.

looks great

This robot looks indeed very cool!

It reminds me of marvin from the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy movie. (and those funny little repair robots from Star Wars)


Great job! 


That is very cool, sir.