This is actually not a robot, sorry. But.. If you have an old laser-pointer, and are building robots:
Hook up the laser to the microcontroller. Now you can tuen on/off a laser
Set one servo on top of another, now you can control 2 axes
Set a mirror on one servo, point the laser to it..
Now you can precision-control where your laser points, if it is on / off etc. There are a million posibilities. Video is from when I was setting up a game of "pong" / "TV-game" so I could play with friends on large buildings at night ;)
THis is why you use a mittor. If you do not know what that is, it is because I made a typo. It should be a mirror.
Shooting at a mirror ensures maximum effect, you can hit the very angle where… well you know. Please don’t ask me to drawings etc
You can also just place the laser on the servo - but make sure that the emitting bart is sort of at the axle. And then get some distance, like at least one meter.
However. I know you have a lot of servos laying around unused. THis is what I would have a look at in the theme of next week (This week being sunshine-week). Personally I think you should make a tirdnkwiit-kind of project; Have some fun, do some snaky stuff that you have no clue will end up with.
tirdnkwiit’s are fun - I want to play with mine, but have to make ##Q€(/!! tutorials.
Hmmm… I see why you’d use a mirror, but don’t you lose and awful lot of resolution that way? Like you only have about 2 degrees of movement in your servo!
“Mirrors.” Those are the things used for looking at your self, aren’t they? I know nothing about them.