Fully functional Bipedal social Robot

Hi I am fairly familiar with industrial robotics and automation as well as CNC Machining so I started a business called CNC Micro and I want to be able to show of my rapid prototyping skills to customers so I came up with a plan to make a fully functional Biped robot and I want everything to move from it ears to its toes and everything in between so I so far have built its head with Galvanized wire and solder. I am currently waiting to order 9g servos for ears eyes and lips as well as make its eyes.

I wanted to know if I2C and PCA9685 with arduino and an SBC would be sufficient for speech and control of 50+ servos?

Here is where I am at so far.
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Jaw movement
Tongue Movement

The Idea is to be as complex as possible and sort of talk like us with mouth movement my original idea was to use a servo to actuate a bellow to simulate breathing and allow air to pass through a loose spring to simulate vocal cords but I scrapped that and went with the small speaker behind its tongue. I also am giving it a dog like head hoping it won’t be so creepy aka uncanny valley.
Any one have any suggestions?
Also i would like to add if this works out like I want it to I feel it would be a cool open source robotics kit for anyone.

The Adafruit 16-ch I2C servo controller can certainly be used to control up to 50 servos via I2C:
robotshop.com/en/adafruit-16 … oller.html
As you indicated, a single board computer could take care of the higher level functions like voice recognition / speech.
If you plan to make it actually walk, weight will be critical.

Thank you for your reply! Cool I2C is the way to go then I have also read that I2C is a faster way for communication and it also uses less resource to do so.

Yes this robot hopefully will walk and I will try to keep all weight COG and use an IMU for balance.

Here is an update on the robot so far.
And a tail for fun.