Force servo movement

I did a quick search, but couldn’t find the answer. Apologies if this has already been asked before.

I would like to make a flight simulator helicopter ‘collective’. The collective is the control (handle) that moves the pitch of all blades simultaneously. But I want the simulator to be able to set the position of the collective handle, simulating the autopilot and control forces.

I was thinking of using a servo for this, with a variable torque. I guess this should all be possible. But what I’m uncertain about, is if it is allowed to push the servo trough its stall position by hand, or if this would damage the gearbox.

I hope someone has experience with this :slight_smile: Thank you in advance.

@LNRalph Welcome to the RobotShop Community. If you’re considering a normal RC servo, then yes, pushing it beyond its stall will damage something. You might want to include a two axis force sensor which (through code) prevents damage to the motors. Without much thought, a magnetic brake working in unison with a stepper + gearbox might do what you need (for each axis).

Thank you for all this information, it’s certainly useful. I’m also considering a stepper motor without gearbox. I’ll also look into a two axis force sensor, I had never heard about that.

Normally there are single axis and a few triple axis force sensors. There may be single products which include force sensors in two directions, but the inference was two single-axis force sensors (a lot less expensive). A stepper motor on its own without a gearbox which can provide enough torque might be interesting, and when forced, it would simply skip steps (no mechanical damage). Keep in mind you might get back EMF.

We would indeed have to compensate for that with diodes and capacitors. As long as we measure its position with a hall sensor for example, skipping steps is no issue. I guess a stepper would be the easiest option then. Thanks!