
This is my first robot, I started with a boat made out of isolation foam, witch floats really well!

The 'Brain' is a Picaxe 28x1 project board and I got the motor + propeller from a broken RC plane. The rudder is simply a cut piece of metal sheet and it has 8 AA batteries.



Navigates around via ultrasound on water

  • Actuators / output devices: servo motor, Motor with propeller
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 2x 4.8V
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SFR05
  • Target environment: Water

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Is it suppose to make such

Is it suppose to make such small circles?

What a great little boat!

Not much to bump into in the pool but it seems to handle itself very well. Is there some form of keel on the boat?
I love to make one but more like a mechanical rowing boat. That would be fun.

this is nice… :slight_smile: Love

this is nice… :slight_smile: Love everything thats things and doesn’t go only on a table or outdoor on flat road… love something that flies or swims :smiley: great work :smiley:

not really, we need to adapt

not really, we need to adapt the programme still

yeah, I have since posted a

yeah, I have since posted a photo, it’s a bit of metal sheet

That’s not a boat

That’s a floating start here bot! Awesome!

Ah ok, I was just wondering

Ah ok, I was just wondering if the water had anything to do with getting back “bad” readings from the sensor.

Hey I like your roboat,good

Hey I like your roboat,good idea my friend. Thanks for posting :slight_smile:

Very nice! Reminded me time

Very nice! Reminded me time when I was child, we used to build little boats from the foam :smiley:

Brilliant! This is one

Brilliant! This is one project I always wanted to do… and now I wont have to :smiley:

Cool done!!

hey! very nice!

hey! very nice! :slight_smile:

interesting the materials used to make it!.. but isn’t the sensor too much oriented to the right?

fantastic project :)but

fantastic project :slight_smile:

but aren’t you afraid that a wave would wet the electronics ? have you considered some kind of sealing? :slight_smile:

Well, well, well…that’s a

Well, well, well…that’s a cool boat. I did start to build boats with and without motor in the age of 5 i guess…hoho…that’s a long time ago.

I wonder how it’s balanced since this huge battery pack is pretty heavy on starboard

Edit: Just saw the video…two battery packs make more sense :wink: