Flowbotics studio Cannot connect to ssc-32U

Im not having any luck with my ssc-32U being seen by Flowbotics studio.

The “Com 0” dropdown reads only Auto and Off
(Should’nt I see more options here - ie com 0 , com 1, com 2?)

I know my Arduino connects through com 3 and works fine.

I also realize that Com ports are obsolete and have been replaced by USB ports (? - more confusion)

I’m running Windows 7 64bit.

In my device manager i see the ssc-32U listed as:


Location is:

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Here is a screen shot

I just tried the ssc-32u on my laptop running window and got the exact same results as in the attached image.

Could there be something wrong with the board?


Downloaded CDM v2.12.06 WHQL Certified.exe

Drivers convert USB’s to Comports

hope this help’s someone with setup


We are glad you were able to fix your problem. Here is some typical information that may be of interest to other users:

Yes, you should. This simply means that your SSC-32U is now showing up as a device. The usual cause for this is the drivers not installing properly/automatically (for the USB interface chip, FT232R from FTDI).

Physical COM ports (using a DE-9 connector) are indeed obsolete (and have been for a while). But, since so much legacy software exists around them, most manufacturers of USB interface chips provide VCP (Virtual COM Port) drivers. This allows for easy access to a device using serial communication (over a USB connection).

That might be the case. We will be having a look at your board, setup and a few other details to troubleshoot this issue with you.

First, the fact that the board shows up as “FT232R USB UART” in Device Manager indicates a driver issue, since this is the interface chip’s name (FT232R) and is only shown before the drivers are installed.
Please double-click this device (opens the Properties window) and go to the Details tab. From there, select “Hardware Ids” under Property and right-click the text that shows up under Value and copy it. Please see the attached image for details. The VID should be 0x0403 and the PID should be 0x6001. If they are different, this would mean an issue with the USB interface chip (FT232R) or with Windows recognizing it. Maybe try a different USB port or cable, too.

Second, with the SSC-32U connected to nothing at all except the USB connection and the power (6 V DC) on VS1 (nothing on VL / VS2, no jumpers on VS=VL), please press the “Baud” button (near the Bee socket / USB port). Right after you press it, the LED A / B should blink rapidly for a few seconds. Take note of which ones lit up and check the baud rate information on the bottom half of page 34 of the SSC-32U manual. The baud rate will be needed to connect to the SSC-32U with any of the Lynxmotion software.

Please note that the default baud rate of the SSC-32U is 9600 (the old SSC-32 with DE-9 port was set to 115200 by default). This change was done to ensure compatibility with Bee modules, which are usually by default set to 9600 (and not easy to change). Some of the Lynxmotion software, such as the free SSC-32 Sequencer utility have a baud rate menu to change the communication speed. For those that do not, it is set to 115200 by default. To connect to the SSC-32U using it, you have two options:

*]Set the SSC-32U to 115200 baud rate. This can be done using the “baud” button on the board (near the Bee socket and USB port). The steps are described in the SSC-32U manual on the bottom half of page 34
]Set the software to 9600 baud rate. This is done by activating the Bluetooth button (should be blue) next to the COM port drop-down list. This should allow your software to connect to the SSC-32U./:m]


Thanks for the comprehensive reply!