FlowArm Win11 - dll not found error

I installed FlowArm PLTW on Windows 11. When launching it, I get “The code execution cannot proceed because ResampleDmo.DLL was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.” Reinstalling does not fix it. It works fine on Windows 10. I searched for this .dll file on my Win10 pc and it does not exist. Does this software not work on Win11?

“The code execution cannot proceed because ResampleDmo.DLL was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.”

There seems to be quite a few posts online about this issue, and various suggested methods on how to fix it. These are just some examples, but we did not vet them to know if they are trustworthy:

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Hi RLaPorte,

I’ve just installed FlowArm PLTW on my pesonal PC which run on Windows 11 without issues.
Maybe it’s something specific to your machine ?

All the best,

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