Not 100% sure I am in the right place for this topic but I am looking to modify my zero turn mower to use a broadcast spreader.
However, it is not safe to manually operate the spreader lever while trying to drive a zero turn. Luckily there is a solution out there, however, me being me… I want to take it up a notch.
What I want to do is shown in the video link (Youtube).
However, I want to know the position of the actuator so I know how open the gate is. So I need a Feedback loop on the actuator as well as an LED indicator. So far I have found Actuonix to be a solid solution but I am not 100% sure what Gear ratio I need, or what kind of switch to wire up to this system.
Here’s my assumptions / needs.
- The force to open the gate will be 10lbs or less (I will get data on this asap once I build the spreader)
- I need a digital potentiometer that is 10kohm that I can set to a specific resistance and it stores it in memory so I can get the gate into the same position each time.
- I need a Linear Actuator Controller that is easy to program or is adjustable via potentiometers like the Actuonix board.
- I need about 2 Meters of cable to run the power and feedback loop from the tow behind spreader to the Seating area on the mower.
Ideally I would mount the control switch on the hand grips of the mower so I can retain full control of the mower while using my thumb to operate the switch and simply look at the LED indicator and let go once I have it at the desired position.
Would someone be willing to point me in the right direction?
Thanks in Advance!
Hey there,
Welcome to the forum.
This is a good project and I would be curious to see the result in the Robots section! 
I think I find something that would fit your application.
But note that it would require some programming and experimenting.
This Actuator would probably do the job:
This actuator features an internal feedback potentiometer that can be red by an Arduino or a Microcontroller.
The feedback potentiometer can be treated and than a command could be send to a LCD display to show you the position of the actuator.
A limit switch is also included in the actuator to protect it.
Let me know if this helps you to start the project.
Note that there is many other kind of actuator, RC one that works like a Servo Motor with RC or PWM command which will send the actuator to a specific position once a specific command is given by a microcontroller.
Thank you so much for your response. I have actually been looking at the following items but I am not 100% sure how to wire it all up yet.
I have their data sheet and I plan on reading it soon to see the advanced configurations available to see if it will meet my scope.
- This would be the actuator I have been looking into that I was thinking would work ---->
- This would be the control board that I believe I can adjust with a screwdriver to dial in my settings to a 10Kohm Potentiometer ---->
- This would be the potentiometer used to control the position of the actuator. ---->
- I would then use this to show the position of the Actuator ---->
- I would then buy several extension cables to get about 1.5M of length to wire everything up.
- Lastly I would put the LAC Board inside of a case and mount the Potentiometer into the mower control panel. ---->
Only problem is that I am not 100% sure how to wire it all up and make the adjustments to the system (But after some reading I could probably sort it all out : )
Am I missing anything? Does the Actuator you suggest have any advantages? Looks like the force to open and close the gate will be about 8lbs