First time beginner (CD-BOT)

Hi I just got a arduino inventor kit form sparkfun.

After trying out the circuits and sensors I decided to make a robot.

The robot Im trying to make is a CD BOT.

I found out that there aren't much people who have done this or have posted it on lets make robots.

I would be delighted if someone could tell me (specificly) how to make a CD BOT an what parts to use.

Thanks LMRians :) :) :) :)

Well, I don’t know how many

Well, I don’t know how many you consider “many” to be, but there are plenty of bots here that use CD/DVDs as building platforms.

Just searching for “CD” within the search here on lmr will return you a few, and then are others that won’t show up, because as Max said most people don’t call them like that, for instance I call mine YA2WDNSOSBBALABMHAMF  :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway there’s isn’t anything too specific you should know about using CD/DVD as a material for robot building (unless you want to cut it/drill it), so you should definitly should follow Max’s advice.


look at these


using motors is much cheaper than servos which are continues and hacking them is a lot of work and is still more expensive

so try this first

then try experimenting with infra red sensor and turn on a led when the sensor sees something and from there make sub routines for the motors and its pretty much the same as turning on a led. Look at what I made.

any questions just ask and if you need code i could kind of help.

what i meant was

when I said

then try experimenting with infra red sensor and turn on a led when the sensor sees something and from there make sub routines for the motors and its pretty much the same as turning on a led.

what i meant is since he learns how to drive a motor with l293d instead of blinking a led when the sensor sees something do something with a motor. 
And also making a h-bridge is a good skill to learn since you will need it a lot and you cant buy a shield for every bot since it would be expensive whereas each l293d cost about 80 cents .

no idea

i have no idea what that means haha.