first robot

hi guys i posted about the james robot which i am not having any luck with. I am wondering if you could suggest a robot i could build that has easy instructions so i can at least build somethibg and heal my ego. i only have one micro servo a ping sensor and two dc motors. and arduino uno


question for first robo

hey guys 

ok the start here robot can i use a arduino uno also can i use the ping sensor. thats what i have? and if so hookups and code are they the same? i really just want to build my first robot

You also need a motor
You also need a motor driver.

Yes, you can use a ping sensor with an Arduino UNO. I don’t know about the hookups. There is a lot of code in LMR to hook up a ping.

Maybe you should check out

chickenparmi on youtube. His channel has a number of walkthroughs for various bits and bobs.


I started by watching his vids and i was trying to

build his james robot and had no luck. i dunno why i am 

having so many issues.

Getting Started
My first step in building robot electronics is to create a schematic. As you are finding, controlling a DC motor requires software in the CPU, 5V logic from Arduino to motor driver, power to the driver chip, and wiring from driver to motors. It is essential that the power is properly routed and isolated from the logic. It is also essential to have a common ground.

When drawing the circuit you can use colors and line thickness to convey use. Most people in North America use BLACK for ground and RED or ORANGE for power. You could use colors for signals that match your jumper wires.