This is my first robot with my own navigation after learning from "How to make your first robot" how everything works.
Don't mind the design of this cigar-box-robot. I put just something together for testing. Form follows function :-)
The next thing I'm trying after improving the existing navigation is that the robot is able to follow a light or my finger or something. I haven't a clue for now how I will do this, but I think somehow it will work.
My final robot should be able to get some objects with different colors and sort them. I want to use this project for my final thesis of my technician school in Germany. I have 2 years to get finished with everything. I think that should work.
Greets from Germany
BTW: I love this site!!! Took a long time to find so much usefull informations on building robotsin the net.
Navigate around via ultrasound
- Actuators / output devices: 2x 1:100 gear motors (12V) 1x HS-422 Servo
- Control method: auonomous
- CPU: Picaxe 28x1
- Power source: 3 AA Batteries
- Programming language: Picaxe basic
- Sensors / input devices: SRF05
- Target environment: indoor
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