First robot programed in Swift with SwiftyBones

This may be the first robot programming entirely in the Swift programming language.  I programmed it as an example of what can be done using Swift with the new SwiftyBones library and the BeagleBone Black. Right now it does not do that much but my daughter and I will hopefully be expanding it to do more.  You can read about the robot and how I programmed it in the following link (hopefully I will be adding additional links as we expand on it:

The first robot programmed in Swift with SwiftyBones

BuddyBot gets its first update 

BuddyBot, the Swift robot, gets obstacle avoidance

Latest on BuddyBot and parts list


You can read about the SwiftyBones library here.

BuddyBot now has its own github page here


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

More pictures and videos!

Looking forward to seeing more about the project and getting your feedback about Swift versus other programming languages you might know (pros and cons).

I will definitly be doing more with the robot

I will definitly be doing more with this robot and Swift.   I do have to admit that I am a little bias towards Swift after all I have written three books on programming with Swift :).  I will admit that it is a lot harder to use on Linux without an IDE (using VI) as compared to using it on a Mac but that is the same with any language however most other languages have some IDE that works on the Beaglebone Black.  I will document anything else I find.  

I have a BBB and am

I have a BBB and am interesting in seeing how your progress goes with your libraries.  Please keep us informed.

You have gotten me

You have gotten me interested in the Swift programming language. However, I do most of my work on the Raspberry Pi or an Intel Ubuntu box. I also use Windows on this laptop.

I’ve checked out and may be checking out your books. :slight_smile:

Swift books

Which books on Swift have your written? And are any of them available for the Amazon Kindle. I can no longer purchase physical books.

Thanks much!

Glad you like Swift

Swift is a really great language and when I started programming BuddyBot I was unsure how it would do with robotics but I have found it does a really nice job.  

The books I wrote are Mastering Swift (out of date now), Mastering Swift 2, and Protocol Oriented Programming with Swift

These books were written for Swift on the Apple platform however the most of the books apply to Swift on Linux because the language itself is the same.  The Mastering Swift 2 book is more for the person learning Swift.  I do have a proposal in with my publisher to write a book on Swift for LInux that will include robotic programming as well.

If you have any questions about Swift, please let me know.