First robot (Hectic)


This post is just one of the first steps of my build.
I have made my robot's housing ready for powdercoating.







UPDATE 15-2-2013

Servo's arrived this day.


UPDATE 27-2-2013

Old housing in a new colour.


UPDATE 3-3-2013

 Today I made some wheels. The rubberband acts as a tire.


 UPDATE 24-5-2013

I thought it would be nice to make a sort of prototype first before I instal it in the powdercoated case. This way I can see if I am happy with the sketch and if there are things I would like to chance.
The second video shows the prototype. (It does show a mess of wires and a not so stable wheel. :P) 

UPDATE 29-5-2013

I did chance my code a little bit and I like this one better then the previous one.


UPDATE 31-5-2013

Here are some pictures of what I did to make all the components fit in the case. 

This connectors should make it easyier to connect the sensor while the arduino is in the case.

The HC-SR04 with the conectors soldered.


The battery connector and the arduino jack soldered to the switch.

The case with the servo's glued on and some kind of acrylic or something just to make it look nicer.

The ballcastors.

The robot is not finished yet but did finished the code. I hope i can post video's and pictures of the finished robot soon. 

 UPDATE 7-6-2013

Yesterday I did finished my robot.

Here are some pictures of Hectic:

Sorry for the pictures being sideways. I don know how to turn them. :P

In the last video you will see the finished robot.

Navigate around via ultrasound.

  • Actuators / output devices: Servo's and led's
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Power source: 9v battery, Battery Pack
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Welcome to LMR,

At first welcome to LMR.

Looking forward to see your robot in progress.

Goed om nog een nederlander te zien op LMR! (Good to see another Dutchman on LMR).

Keep on building!

Thank you very much

Ook ik vind het leuk om nog een nederlander te zien :stuck_out_tongue: (I am glad to see another Dutchman too.)

welcome to LMR!

more pictures please(and video!), will be waitin’ for progress…

Pictures will come in the future.

This picture shows the progress until now.
I will post pictures and video’s as soon as possible. I have not posted any beacause i don’t have more pictures and video’s yet.


another dutchmen here.

 nog een Hollander hier haha…


Gaan wij ooit LMR over nemen? xD

Welcome to LMR

Hey Lars. Welcome to LMR. I am curious to see this housing evolve into a working robot.

Thank you

I have to admit that i’m curious about that too.

rubber bands

You can replace the “tires” rubber band by “O” ring gasket like that…0j0i24.4636.6133.0.6495.…0.0…1c.1.5.img.OKJT2Ci6_O8

that can be more efficient on the floor, and also more aesthetic

Good idea!

That is a good idea thank you.

Welcome to LMR and to hobby

Welcome to LMR and to hobby robotics. This looks like a very nice project. I can’t wait to see your progress and the finished robot too.

Thank you!

Glad to hear that.


15 years old, working for 3 months and creating an autonomous bot, that’s what i call awesome.

Wow thanks

Thank you very much I do like the compliment. Your scanner looks nice to that is something that really blew my mind.