First Robot build Octopod

Got my hardware in today… made an oops when i ordered it. I thought i ordered full thread socket caps for the body and didn’t. But its OK. i should have ordered 60mm instead of 70mm gives me a reason to do it right.

Mounted the SSC-32 and Ardunio on the nylon risers so i can tuck the wires under the boards.

Still need to mount my ps2 plug and battery but my cold is kicking my butt

another 18 day but i managed to get some tests done and some angles mapped out.

Decided i need bearing support for the coax servo on the body. So I ordered me so 3 x6x2.5 mm flanged bearings to stick in there.

if i hadn’t got the h1n1 vaccine a few weeks ago i would be worried my cold was that… but no i get the regular flu instead go figure the flu shot does not help prevent against that.

work slowly progresses

I only had a flu shot once in my entire life. I prefer to take my chances and tough it out should I catch it. :laughing:

i guess its a random gamble on the flu shot anyways being for the right strain of flu…

anyhow go my 5000mah battery pack in and its charging right now… I’ll get some pics of the setup i ordered the wrong plugs so its a bit getto for now.

You know this isn’t as easy as it looks but well worth the effort to make things look a bit nicer in the long run and to top it off its just a couple of bucks

what you think?

Continue Movement or Hold up and Reroute?

WOW that looks awesome. It looks like an Ultra high end servo now. :laughing:

Here is my servo power supply:

its a r/c car racing pack and can well handle the power i want out of it with no issues at all. Plus i will have the added benefit of being able to play for a LONG time. the Charge circuit is separate which will make recharging a snap… Not sure if i should run my rechargeable 9v for the Arduino and SSC-32 or tap off this…


you should see what i can do if i have real tools instead of the “great” ones i have right now

you may need to back the heat shrink off of the 3-pin housing end if you plan on stacking servo connections on adjacent channels on a BAP or SSC-32.

maybe its too early but i am totally not following you.

the connectors stack side to side on 0.1" centers. The housing for the crimp pins is only just slightly under 0.1" wide. By allowing the heatshrink to cover the housing you have increased its width by 2x the thickness of the heatshrink wall. if you put more than 2 or maybe 3 of them together on the same header block they are going to splay out towards the ends and possibly bend the pins on the header block.

gotcha it was too early in the morning when i read that. good point

Close but no cigar… The servo housings are actually 0.106" wide. :wink: That is why the SSC-32 and Bot Board II have the I/O pins in groups of four. I laugh sometimes when I see other servo controllers with all the I/O pins strung together. The springs inside the connectors are ruined when 5 or more are connected adjacent to each other. This causes the connector to fall off the pins in time. But yeah the heat shrink will make matters worse.

Instead of playing with the heat shrink i started getting the legs ready. for when i get the rest of the servo’s in the mail. don’t mind the white board that’s just me trying to figure out 4dof and get the math right for this thing later on.

feeling lazy so that is all i am going to due tonight i think.

decided to “test” the limits of travel to get a base idea of the min and max values… and snapped a leg like a tooth pick by issuing the wrong value… pure awesomeness!

Must be using acrylic. Brittle stuff it is…

yes :unamused: if need then what i know now. Going to redo it in ABS i guess.

its either that or i learn cad… Since i did the drawings in inkscape

Aluminum! or Lexan, if you must!

Alan KM6VV

Know of anyone that can laser cut from a svg file at a reasonable price? If so then i would have no problem.

reasonable is about 300 or less.