First Robot/ BarkTrack


That chassis is one of the most epic looking things ever. Wish I had one of those laying around to mod. I used a RAD 2.0 chassis for mine.

Not on TOBI but I may

Not on TOBI but I may install on or both on “The Beast” TOBI’s big brother that I have not started on yet. I think my clients would get a little upset if TOBI set their businesses on fire even if it was an accident.

Yea, it’s running! I have to

Yea, it’s running! I have to admit it is fun just to see a BigTrak rolling around.

You are doing great. Just keep building on your successes, one by one.

Nice update. I’m really

Nice update. I’m really happy for you.

Regarding pictures in your post. Try scaling your originals down to 500x500 pixels (or so the largest dimension is 500 pixels). That’s the maximum resolution an LMR post will display anyway, and should fix your upload problem.

Thanks Ignoblegnome

Thanks Ignoblegnome

Pimp My Bot!

That’s one sweet ride!

Have you considered making a cupola to fit over the battery pack, maybe with a frikkin’ laser on a small servo?

The chassis has a large

The chassis has a large battery compartment, but I don’t have a battery that fits at the moment. Once I have one the 7.2V racing pack will be gone leaving all wires hiden.

Here’s a picture


Drool, Drool, Drool

My sister had one those when we were kids.  I always wished I had gotten one.  And to still have it… What a great platform to start with.  Great job!  I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

Thanks for the comment

Thanks for the comment Idoneous. Bigtrak was my favorite childhood toy. I was gutted when it stopped working.

It’s been re-released this year though. My wife bought me a new one for my birthday. Best present I’ve had since the first one.

Your robot is full of

Your robot is full of awesome!

Well I did get a full truck

Well I did get a full truck load of awesome delivered. I had a bit of trouble cramming it all in, but I managed.

Thanks Ignoblegnome.