The only reason I can think
The only reason I can think of for going with Linux over Windows or Mac is that ROS is a Linux project only slowly being ported to Windows. There IS however Microsoft’s Robot Developers Studio, which runs only under Windows, and (last time I took a good look.) not quite as adaptable as ROS.
That being said, ROS and MSRDS are well beyond the radar of SHR style hobby robotics.
Linux could actually be somewhat of a disadvantage for a beginner at robot hobby. Typical microcontrollers often don’t support Linux well, or at all. The current version of the Arduino IDE in the Ubuntu repository is outdated, (tho the current software IS available for Linux on the Arduino web site–You’ll just have to work a little harder at installing it.
Picaxe support for Linux is also sparse. The FTDI driver is part of the Linux kernel, but has to be patched to work with the official Picaxe cable, and popular tools like Logicator are not available at all.
If you’re running a Windows box, and just getting started with robots, and have certain robots or kits in mind, check out some videos of those products, and make your decision. Windows will serve for just about anything you see, and when you’re advanced enough to need something like ROS, or MyRobotLab, or Roborealm–you’ll know.
Edit–I missed the fact that you run Linux already. Upon checking the Parallax web site, there ARE downloads for Linux, but they are not supported by Parallax. With this in mind, for the price of a boebot, you can probably go farther and accomplish more with Arduino based robotics.
And here’s a link to an Ardunio/Boebot kit.