First Robot

Avoiding obstacle

  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4-AA
  • Sensors / input devices: SHARP IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

its got a shell
congrats on getting one under your belt. whats the next step? and what is the yellow paper on the pager motor?

Thanks! I saw the pager

Thanks! I saw the pager motor and think its cool so I bought it but dont know what to use for so I put on this robot to make it spin the yellow thing around. I also added a green led to this one. my next project is the wall racer and I am having difficult doing it. They relays is so small its extremely difficult to solder everything together.

Congratiolations :slight_smile: I know

Congratiolations :slight_smile: I know that was a hard birth!

Would you add a video? Perhaps some text?

I have tried posting the
I have tried posting the video but I was not sucessful but I will try it later again.

the mini-robot is very well, it also has enough sensitivity, but the paper motor that has top which is a function?

haha the pager motor just
haha the pager motor just for show. its just pins around a yellow piece of heat seal that looks cool. :slight_smile:

Ahhhhh jajaja, interesting:)

WIcked, video, It’s AALIVE!

WIcked, video, It’s AALIVE!

You can make it more active by using shorter breaks, perhaps replace some “wait 1” with “pause 300” or something :slight_smile:

I did try that but after

I did try that but after awhile the robot go crazy and just keep spinning around . I don’t know what happened.

One more problem I had was
One more problem I had was that when I turn it off and turn it on again the robot just doing circle and I don’t know whats the problem.