First Attempt - Virtual Presence Device

Hey Everyone,
So I’m a techie but never got into the robotic stuff yet. I built a DIY Virtual Presence device a few months back using a iRumba Hobby Kit, some PVC and a netbook. It was not what I was hoping for, as I was not able to achieve some of the custom stuff I wanted.

I have been doing research and would like to try building a chassis myself and start learning.

My question is, any recommendations on wheels, motors, etc. to build something with 4 wheels that could have a base with at least 16" x 16"? I want something that will also support a weight of at least 20lbs for the battery, components, etc.

Any advice would be great, I want to buy those parts so I can start practicing building the chassis etc.



We invite you to look at our 4 & 6 Wheel Robots category here.
For example :

]4 Wheels Scout Platform Robot Kit/:m]
]Lynxmotion Aluminum A4WD1 Rover Kit/:m]
For a payload of 20lbs or more, the chassis will be relatively more expensive than the ones in the DIY range. For example, the Dr. Robot Jaguar 4x4 Mobile Platform (Chassis and Motors) has a maximum payload rating of 15Kg .