Firefighting Robot (Haven't given it a cool name yet)

Greetings Everyone :),

Still a Work in progress, this robot Navigates around with an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor and when there is fire(Candle), it detects the Infra Red sent by the flame and puts it out with the Fan.



P.S. I plan to replace the Fan with a Water Cannon in Mark 2. :)


Navigates around and finds fire to put out :)

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors, servo, Fan
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 Ultra Sound, Fire sensor module

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

For a candle…

The robot looks nice and all and a fan might be a good option to blow out a candle, but you are aware that any other fire a fan blowing towards it would only make it worse, right? :slight_smile:

Regardless, nice job :) 

Yes, I am, my initial idea

Yes, I am, my initial idea was to use a little water cannon but I figured I’ll start of with a fan before moving on to the water cannon. Thank you! :slight_smile:

wow! that looks awesome! and

wow! that looks awesome! and yer photography is very neat!!!

p.s @kariloy, hahaha, yer cat picture is cute(with the ears and all…)! :stuck_out_tongue:


Can we get a link to the supplier for those great tracks?

Sure, I got this from an

Sure, I got this from an Indian Robot Store, they have some cool stuff, here is the link to the Tracks,



I like it!

Very distinctive look with those big white tracks and the blue fan.

Maybe you could use a few more IR detectors to help guide your robot towards the flame?

cool firefighter :smiley:

 I loooove that tracks! i’ve added them here in thee list of robot tracks:

Thank you, glady you like

Thank you, glad you like them! :smiley:

Yes, but I am thinking of

Yes, but I am thinking of replacing the IR Sensors because during broad daylight or because of open windows the Robot does get blinded as the Sun emits Infrared as well. Maybe I can use thermocouples. Thank you! :smiley:


AAAAAWWWWWEEEESSSSOOOOMMMMEEEE! Thats all I have to say, I cant think of a better word.


Random useless ideas

Just thought I’d throw this out there, the Wii Remote uses a low-resolution IR camera to detect it’s orientation relating to two IR LEDs (sensor bar). Could a similar system be of use to a firefighting robot like this? Replacing the sensor bar LEDs with a single candle flame.

I guess it will still have the same problem of being blinded by other IR sources such as sunlight.

Would a thermocouple be sensitive enough? Would it not need to be in the immediate vicinity of the flame to detect it? Perhaps a parabolic reflector and thermocouple could give some directional sensing of emissive heat.

Shipping and experience

Really nice robot!!!

I would like to ask you of your experience with this shop where you pleased?

Also do you know if they ship worldwide and if they accept paypal?

Trinity Firefighting robot Contest?

Are you planning to participate at the Trinity Firefighting robot contest with your creation? Looks like the robot is deisgned for that type of contest.

It’s in Hartford, CT. , USA in April 2013.