Find a sign by color tracking

An overview of the code factory:


Color detection is the fastest approach for for finding objects in a video image. And it does have its downsides of course. The results are very dependent of the light situation (received color frequencies change). It works best if there’s a homogeneous light source and the objects to track are not partially shaded. Also the camera will influence the results. You will get the best results when the Auto White Balancing is switched off and, when working at night, Dynamic Range is switched on. It is best to calibrate the code every time. Here is how you can do this:
  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create trackbars to manipulate the low RGB values
  img_low = np.zeros((15,512,3), np.uint8)
  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create trackbars to manipulate the high RGB values
  # Default is blue range, low: 50,50,110 high: 255,255,130
  img_high = np.zeros((15,512,3), np.uint8)
  while True:
  switch_object_found = False
  if latest_camera_image != None:
  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- get current positions of four trackbars
  r_low = cv2.getTrackbarPos('R','BGR_low')
  g_low = cv2.getTrackbarPos('G','BGR_low')
  b_low = cv2.getTrackbarPos('B','BGR_low')
  r_high = cv2.getTrackbarPos('R','BGR_high')
  g_high = cv2.getTrackbarPos('G','BGR_high')
  b_high = cv2.getTrackbarPos('B','BGR_high')
  img_low[:] = [b_low,g_low,r_low]
  img_high[:] = [b_high,g_high,r_high]
  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - Set color range to search for
  hsv = cv2.cvtColor(latest_camera_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
  lower_blue = np.array([b_low,g_low,r_low])
  upper_blue = np.array([b_high,g_high,r_high])
  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Mask only with trackbar values
  mask_image = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue)
  cv2.imshow('step-1 - mask', mask_image)
  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - Convert masked color to white. rest to black
  result_image = cv2.bitwise_and(latest_camera_image,latest_camera_image, mask= mask_image)
  cv2.imshow('step-2 - convert', result_image)
  cv2.waitKey( 1 )
  except KeyboardInterrupt:
  pass # Catch Ctrl+C
  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clean-up windows if needed
 It is pretty straight forward: select pixels within a certain range, creating a mask by blacking out every other pixel and apply the mask to the original picture through a bitwise comparison. By moving the trackbar sliders, the RGB ranges can be changed to find the optimum values at this environment. I suggest you start moving the Low bars up first (in order of red, blue, green) and then start moving the high bars down. It looks somewhat like this:




The routine can be imported at the start of a control script for tracking objects. Just remove the try-loop and insert:


            if cv2.waitKey( 1 ) & 0xFF == ord (‘c’):




The script will continue after you are done with calibrating (and save!) the RGB values found.

Note: I’m working through the WebSockets class of Dawn Robotics in order to process the script remote and display the windows on my PC screen. All correlating commands begin with ‘bot.’

The purpose of the script is to have the robot search for a marker, have it run towards the marker, interpret it and start searching for the next marker. So the structure of the script is: search for sign, move to sign, read sign and continue until it finds the sign to stop. These are the signs I use:


A view of the total flow is composed at the next screen.


The bottom left shows the calibration windows. The RGB values found are used to detect the sign in the video image of the Raspberry Pi camera and convert it to edges (shown at top right). The edged image is used to calculate the contours in the frame (top left) which produces figures to manipulate (area, centroid coordinates, shape, etc.). The centroid coordinates are used to focus on while riding towards the sign. Finaly the center image (black sign on white background) is isolated, put into perspective (the bot won't always end up right in front of the marker) and binarize it into a pure black on white image which then can be compared with the files saved on disk ('interpreting' the sign).

I’ll post only the relevant parts of the code here to keep it readable. If you want to have a look at the whole script (or even take a copy) you can find it at my GitHub at

Note: it is still WIP because I changed the chassis and motors of the bot (I’ll show it later on in my project) and I’m working on new sign_routines (e.g. line following). So don’t be surprised if there are differences. And please feel free to comment if you can give me some hints.

I think the code is rather well commented and will explain a lot by itself, but I’ll highlight the steps.


First of all it is coded as a function that searches for a blue rectangle and will return:

switch found + centroid coordinates + contour found

The bot.update is a websockets routine to keep the camera alive. First the RGB values found are used to create a mask. (Here the values are hard coded because I use the calibrating script as a separate routine.) Then the image is converted to a binary image by the bitwise command. OpenCV uses Numpy to create multidimensional arrays of an image with a lot of different formats. The blurring step removes a lot of noise (small spots received with frequencies within the RGB ranges).  The gray colorspace is used to resize the Numpy array into a binary format. Note: I use the same array (image_name) as much as possible to save memory. At the end of the day the robot will have to perform the script autonomously and it will have to fit into the Raspberry Pi memory.

We’ve now got an edged representation of the video image. Let’s see if it is a proper sign or just an occasional object we stumbled on:

First we check for the amount of contours in the image. If there is a lot of noise (light conditions!), there will be numerous contours detected. So we drop everthing except the biggest four. Donnot try less because of the structure of the contour array. If only the sign is found you’ll get 4 contours (inner, outer of the big and the small rectangle). With the moments feature in openCV we find the area, centroid coordinates and the length of a contour to determine if it is a rectangle-like shape.

The rest is basic coding: select contours with 4 corner points, discard those that are really to small (maybe we’ve accidentally found a very small rectangular-like noisy spot in the image) and save the smallest of the ones we found.

That’s it. The routine takes around 0.4 seconds to return. If it doesn’t return a sign found, the camera will shift a couple of degrees and the routine is called again. If the camera neck is at its maximum position, the bot will shift about 45 degrees and starts again. Over and over until a sign is found.

From here the bot can start moving towards the sign. Keeping focus on the centroids (same routine), adjust the neck_angle according the shift of the centroids and adjusting the motor speeds according to the angle of the camera neck. I won’t post all that. It is basic scripting (although a curved run requires some math). If needed you can find it on my GitHub.

So let’s skip to interpreting the sign once the bot arrived in front of it.

Ok, I read the code four

Ok, I read the code four times, and I still don’t quite get how the code does what you say it does, but I believe you!  THAT is cool!    I have played with OpenCV and SimpleCV in the past but gave up on using colors to identify anything because of exactly what you solve here.

These tricks and tips are the difference between not being able to do anything in machine vision and being very effective.  Thanks for sharing!



Hi Bill,I understand. That’s

Hi Bill,

I understand. That’s why I was asked to share.

I’ll post the next steps as well as soon as I’ve some spare time



Very Similiar

Your software is very similiar to the software I wrote in VB.NET. Mine tracks colors but you must tell it which color to track by selecting it with the mouse. Once the color is selected the bot will follow that color around. When the distance between the color and the bot hits a specific range the bot stops. This is done by pixel detection, so the more pixels it picks up the closer the range is to the object and vise versa. It will also zoom in on the area of the scrren with that color to show you more details of the object it is following and it does a averaging of the color detected and stores this in a small text file that it uses. By using the text file and the averaging of the color it can then tell what color it is following, so for light blue it would say blue and for lime green it will say green.  Great work, would like to see more.

Color tracking

Hi Jeffr,

That’s another great way to track colors!

My objective was to read markers with directions, so I picked the most simple way to find a marker anyhow.  

I improved the script (easier, faster and more secure) a bit. If you’re interested you’ll find it at (includes a small video as well)

I also posted some stuff about odometry (running straight / squares) there.

