Hey there guys! I’m sorta new to this whole hobby robotics/electronics stuff so I have a few questions. Firstly I was browsing the lynxmotion site and I saw the Servo Erector Set is that all you need to make a robo 1 style robot? How much does it cost anyway I dont see a price. Where is a good place to start looking for information on how to build robos and stuff? I’m blanking on the other questions but when I remember I’ll ask.
Thanks guys.
Welcome LBXPlayer, and a merry Christmas to you.
Main Product page:
SES (servo erector set) main page:
SES Price List:
Humanoid Biped
Robo one style kit:
humanoid biped torso
lynxmotion.com/p-437-humanoi … ervos.aspx
Robo one style kit:
Humanoid Biped Leg Pair
Robo one style kit:
Humanoid Biped Arm Pair
Robot Hand - A Single
lynxmotion.com/p-438-robot-h … ervos.aspx
Robot Hand - B Single
lynxmotion.com/p-440-robot-h … ervos.aspx
Sorry for all the link but but i hope they help.