Here are some pictures of my rover, took them a couple weeks ago, i have a brand new 900mhz spy camera, but i haven’t decided where to put it. It’s a tiny camera, and it’s a small robot, but sadly the camera is still a little to big to place where i really want.
I’ll upload a video eventually, but i’ll do that after i fix my laptop and put the cam on my robot. Got a tv tuner for my laptop so i can control the bot wirelessly, and view the feed on the laptop.
It uses a bot board 2, and a Basic Atom pro 28m.
Arm is 5 degrees of freedom, base left/right, sholder, elbow, wrist up/down, wrist rotate.
Then the gripper which doesnt count as a DOF
Edit: video added aug 29th 2010
The underside, the battery is held on by velcro, i haven’t found a better solution yet, and i’m a bit lazy.
My 5v regulator and my pololu micro controller, will replace it someday… for now it works just fine.
From left to right on the bread board.
Bluetooth uart adapter, 9600bps, i’ll be replacing it eventually with one that accepts AT commands, or buy an SPI programmer.
3.3v voltage regulator.
Red thing is a sparkfun 3.3v to 5v bidirectional TTL voltage converter, Bluetooth use 3.3v ttl, the botboard/basicatom uses 5v, weak signals caused problems before.
The white wire you see is my beefed up ground wire.
Video of it in action will come later.
Edit: Bonus images. My work area. It’s actually much messier now, i have a lot more projects going on.