Fairy Wings Motor

Hello, I am planning on doing a fairy cosplay (think Tinker Bell type fairy) and I would like to add a motor to the wings I will be building so that I can give them a forward and back (not up and down) fluttering motion. I would need the motor to be small enough that it could fit into the back of the corset to my costume so as not to be seen. Also, I don’t want the wings to be constantly moving so I would need to be able to either program the motor on a timer, or even better if possible, I’d like a wireless remote the could be built into my prop sword (Disney Pirate Fairy) so that I could have them flutter when I press the button. If anyone can help me out with what products I would need to buy from here, and how I can accomplish all this, that would be awesome! = )

P.S. I will include pictures of the type of wings I will be making, as well as the character I will be cosplaying and her sword, just in case this info can help anyone to better help me. Thanks!

(Disclaimer: I do not own ANY of the images I am including. I got a three of them from a Google image search)

An RC servo is your best friend - you just need to know how powerful it needs to be, and figure out a way to mount it.
We suggest treating the wing like a control surface so you can be inspired based on how RC servos are used to control the wings on RC aircraft.
As for wireless control, the smallest we carry would mean you have some programming to do (or use a smart phone and an app).
You would need to connect a small RC controller to a wireless receiver, which would be sent signals from a separate transmitter connected to a microcontroller, connected to a button or pot:

Operator: potentiometer -> microcontroller -> transmitter
“Backpack”: receiver -> servo controller -> servos

A mini wired control is a lot easier, and you could run the wire up your sleeve.