EZO-PMP Pump min flow rate?

I’ve been looking for a peristaltic pump that can do as low a flow rate as cheaply possible.

The spec on this EZO-PMP [1] says 0.5ml to 105ml/min, which seems promising. However, I noticed on reviewing the datasheet [2] it says for volume dispensing mode “Smallest possible volume is 0.5 ml”

So now I wonder if in continuous dispensing mode, if I set to 0.5ml/min, will the motor be idle, then once a minute spin quickly to output 0.5ml? Or will the motor spin super slow and be continuously outputting 0.5ml/60 = 0.0083ml every second? But if it did this, why couldn’t volume dispensing mode allow smaller doses less than 0.5ml?

Any insight is appreciated :slight_smile:

[1] https://www.robotshop.com/en/ezo-pmp-pump.html
[2] https://www.robotshop.com/media/files/pdf/ezo-pmp-pump-datasheet.pdf

Hey @dsp

Welcome to the RobotShop Community!

The continuous dispensing mode will dispense the liquid at a rate of 105ml/min.

You can use the constant flow rate to choose the rate that you wish to use:

The motor will continuously turn to dispense that amount.

I contacted Atlas Scientific for more detail:

It’s not 1 turn per min to dispense 0.5 ml, its 3…
So basically, you are correct.
Because 0.5 is at the extreme end of what it can accurately output, it’s not a smooth 0.0083ml every second.

So regardless of the rate you ask the controller for, kinda limited to pulses of 0.5ml (or actually might be 3 turns for 0.5ml from what they said)