ESP8266 Serial WiFi Smart Car with NodeMCU+Motor shield+Car Chassis under $35

This WiFi RC smart car is designed and developed based on ESP-12E from ESP8266, which can be controlled by mobile, PC, and wechat (now just in China). All of thedocuments can be downloaded for the DOIT official site:, including the scheme for car. After get it, can further develop based on the Lua IDE.

As for this WiFi car kit, it can work at many modes, such as: AP mode and STA mode.  Moreover, the Android APP code can be free gotten at the bbs.

AP mode: can be controlled by phone in the local area.

STA mode: can be controlled by the internet on web pages.

Material Lists:

1. car chassis;

2. NodeMCU based on ESP8266;

3. Motor shield for NodeMCU;

For more resources, can find at doit.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

That great, but

It’s an advertisement :confused:

The motor shield for the ESP8266 is indeed a great idea. However i suggest to label the screw terminal for the motor as vmot, gnd, and the screw terminal for the mcu as vmcu, gnd, to prevent errors in screwing 12v to the mcu and frying it.

Then only the app is free, not the source code:/ Unfortunately i don’t understand Chinese and can’t translate it on an app, but if i had the source code i could understand how it works, write an app in English and add features like accellerometer control, share sensor data between phone and robot or vocal commands.

app source can be free send.

app source can be free send. thanks

Can you upload the source

Can you upload the source code of the app to github? Or post some documentation of the commands given to the ESP8266?

Code Development
I am interested in this product but already have 3 different types of ESP8266 modules that currently do nothing. This is mainly due to my inability to decipher the documentation and install the proper tools. A tutorial that explained the tool chain plus source code would go a long way to help. In my opinion, having good hardware is only 30 percent of the task.

This is still an advert.

Not a robot project. Please do not post adverts as robot projects.