Eperimental Arduino Robot Platform

Improvements i intend to make:

  • Experiment with a veriety of different sensors.
  • make an improved chassis and add an enclosure.
  • Replace the continuous rotation servos with propper motors for better speed because its pretty slow, and now i have a little expirience i reacon i can code for it now.
  • Give it tracks (tracks are cool :P).
  • create more areas for experimenting.


i just purchased this robot chassis http://photos.tradeholding.com/attach/hash246/94198/rp5_chassis__dagu_robot_.jpg

looks pretty nicely constructed, and it has tracks YEY! it containes 2x 9v motors so i'll need to buy a motor controller, so far i think this is my best choice


it seems to be widely used with arduino and comes in a neat little package. if anyone else has sugestions for other motor controlers please shout. i'd opt for simplicity to progran rather than less I/O pins used.


Navigate around via IR sensors.

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 continuous rotation servos, servo.
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino
  • Operating system: Windows vista
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries, 9v battery
  • Programming language: Arduino Processing
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, (future additions- sound sensors, ultrasonic)
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/eperimental-arduino-robot-platform

list not complete

  • post video on LMR
  • buy extra hard drive to store all the OOHs and AAAHs the video will cause
  • describe the electronics
  • buy shoulder pads to prevent sore shoulders from all the LMR padding
  • post web address for really cool green fluorescent acryllic shop

(should I explain this any further?)

Welcome to the scrutiny that we call LMR! I like your bot BTW.


Nice job! I like the platform. We are working on another robot too, this time with the Roboduino. So far the platform ideas we have tried didn’t turn out well due to lack of tools. We want to use tracks also, and that has been the biggest problem (getting them to mount to what we were using)

What is the size of the plexiglass looking material you are using? I like it.

green fluorescent acryllic
This was actualy given to me by my teacher, i did a quick google to try and find some, seems pretty hard to come by, i’ll shout if i find any. i will also get around to posting a vid in the next few days. and i’ll give a description of the electronics aswell, and somwhere inbetween doing that i’ll find time to work on the robot :stuck_out_tongue:

Believe it or not but dollar
Believe it or not but dollar stores sell neon plexi cutting boards (used in kitchens to chop veggies). We got an UGLY one for our weddign that we didn’t ask for. When I have a bot that can use it I will have a neon orange chassis!

**Rik! Dont you know how**<br><p>Rik! Dont you know how lists on the intarwebs work? the 2nd last point is "?" and the last point should always be "Profit!" :smiley:


But cool robot anyway McDuino and personally I say good job! on choosing an arduino. I myself started with 1 too and found it powerful and flexible.


Great job! The Arduino is something I’ve always wanted to get into, but can’t quite afford it at the moment. Sticking to PICs for now!

@ArduinoFun: Have you checked out the Tamiya track chassis?


I just picked one up last week and put it together in about an hour, going to make a great platform for future 'bots. The tracks can be purchased seperatly as well, without the platform. If you’ve already got tracks, then just ignore this!

looking for sample code


I´m looking for sample code to make my second bot with the same type as yours… but with 2 full rotation servos a normal servo as the head.

Can you show me a link or send me a sample of the code?

You used Duemilanove ? i only get examples with decimilia…




Hi miklos,The Start Here

Hi miklos,

The Start Here Arduino version robot by guibot has some basic object avoiding code in a link near the end of the article. You might need to open the program and change your pin definitions before it will work. Also guibot used DC motors for driving where as you have servos, so you will need to modify the movement functions with servo commands instead.

You will have to do a bit of work on it but it`s a good place to get started.

Thank you!

Ok! For me the main objective is to learn how to write the code.

This example will help me a lot.



Can you post the cod?I want

Can you post the cod?I want to make a robot like that but I have a problem with the servo…

your servo is conected to arduino or to an another motor driver?