I’ve gotten through the installation with the video, however what I cannot tell is how to connect the encoders to the motor shield. The video doesn’t really go over this in any detail. To make matters more complicated, I’ve gone ahead and replaced the wires that came with the kit with the suggested wires.
the only thing I need to know is what arduino pin the encoders are sending data on. I guess I can hook that up manually and see if it works, but it’d be nicer if I could just get the spec. Is there an eagle drawing of the PCB ?
The shield you received should have all 6 analog pins broken out to signal / GND / 5V (silk screened between the two sets in small white letters as ‘S’, ‘-’, ‘+’). The red wire goes to ‘+’, black wire to ‘-’ and signal wire to ‘S’. Alternatively, the encoder PCB should be marked as to which pin is what; connect - to -, + to + and OUT (output signal) to ‘S’. The choice is yours as to which pins to use, since there is currently no sample code which incorporates the encoders with the sample omni drive code.
The wires which connect the motors to the PCB are not the same as those which connect the encoders to the shield. Note that the encoders should have come with the proper wire.
There’s no specific pin - you connect it to any of the analog pins on the motor controller shield, and then write the appropriate code. If you look between the two sections of pins, you’ll see ‘-’, ‘+’ and ‘S’ where ‘S’ is the signal pin.
Not one including the analog breakout - just the original motor controller shield. Note the DFRobotShop Rover version of this shield uses different pins to ensure four motors can be driven at once.
You just need to be aware of which pins on the encoder PCB are connected to which pins on the motor shield (signal to signal, GND to GND, V to 5V).