
I/O for add ons
I only have 2 outputs and 2 inputs left, but other devices can be connected to the I2C bus that is is also used for the EEPROMs and the LCD. The problem with addons is that i have no physical space to add more stuff like arms. Edwards inside is one big ball of wires!

What kind of motors are you using to control the tracks ive wasted time and money to find some good motors.


they’re the solarbotics gm3: it says so right on top of the page :). Not the best choice. they are too slow and they have a 90 degree shaft, which makes it hard to mount correctly with the 3 wheel setup.

I have the faster variant lying around, but that has a much shorter shaft so i cant use them on edward. The offset shaft variety wasn’t available at the time, but those are the ones you want. Fast, with offset shaft.


well done.i think you can market your robot.Its look cute bro!

just one

just one word…Fantastic…




very nice, 

Really fantastic design. I

Really fantastic design. I like how the boxy style was used very effectively. The style of treads was a really nice touch too.


And it is also very cute.

Good job

Very good job, beautiful robots. It look like Wall-E

thanks for source code, gbu

thanks for source code, gbu

Nice one

I like this robot! I use PVC an awful lot too, I agree with your choice! And it sort of looks like WALL-E (I’m sure this is intentional) which definitely adds to the cute factor. :slight_smile: