
Wow, good find that shop! Maybe a bit expensive.
They should invest in a CNC laser cutter!

Awesome job on the whole

Awesome job on the whole struture.

I digging your frame sturcture… !!





Kunstofshop.nl sells 5mm expanded PVC at € 15,- for 1Mx0,6M. Thats a pretty large plate. This bot used up less than a quarter of the size of the plate.

the 2mm plate (1M x 0.6M) costs € 6,75. I’d say the pvc that went into Edward so far cost me about € 5,- worth.

As for the laser cutter… my brother send me this link where you can order parts you design yourself. http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/21152/?a=f very nice indeed.

ok maybe not that expensive

you’re right, for that amount, the price is not so bad. But .6 m2 is a lot of material for most us here.

If kunststofshop is not expensive, than at least agree with me that 3D printing (at shapeways) is! But they are also based in the Netherlands, so shipping should be cheap! To me anyway.

3D printing
Dont know about the pricing at shapeways. It’s not for me anyway. I’m extremely bad with 3D design software. Even sketch-up gets me frustrated.

Cool progress!! Very robot!
Cool progress!! Very robot! :smiley:

Yes yes very very cool!!! I
Yes yes very very cool!!! I hate to say this in fear of making you mad but the robot has the sort of feeling that the Wall-E robot has to it. Hey What if you made it so the kneck was collapsable you know like a folding chair? Might cost you an extra servo though :frowning: And hey is that the PVC sheets that you can buy on solarbotics???


It does have a wall-E look. It is not what I originally had in mind. I started off with johnny-5 in mind, but a number of things made it sort of inevitable to steal some ideas from wall-E.

  1. Treads with the motor somewhat higher above the ground level results in triangular treads.
  2. A cube / box for the body is the easiest shape to make without difficult angles ot bending plates
  3. I really like the pan and tilt setup for the head. It makes it cute.
The head is not really very functional though. As I mentioned earlier; it cannot see the ground with the SF05.
I like the idea of the folding neck; that would give it a lot more expressions / gestures. There’s not much room inside the box for more headers and wires though.
I’m considering removing the display and just place some leds there. The display is much more sensitive to irregularities in the powersupply than the rest of the electronic parts. it keeps resetting when the servos and motors run.

The expanded PVC is the same stuff as on solarborics. They call it sintra.

Fun robot!
The Wall-E look is a lot of fun, and it looking around in the videos shows that. I like the LCD too, takes some doing getting those operational at times.

Wow cool robot I like how
Wow cool robot I like how its put together so neet.

really cool robot, well done
really cool robot, well done man :slight_smile:

Much love fo’ da head…

Ok, that sounded dirty…

Hey dude,

I love the X,Y aspect of the head. It is amazing how much personality comes from the ability to look up! --So here’s the deal, I am totally going to steal your idea. I am familiar with the PVC, we use it a lot here in the north east, my question is: Did you or have you used any PVC glue (the plumbing pipe stuff) or is everything done with screws? Word up.

Glue glue

OK here’s how Edwards body was built.

The bottom plate is cut out of 5mm thick PVC. The last 5mm at the front of the plate is 10mm narrower and the last 5mm at the back is 5 or 6 mm narrower. (see picture)

This way the front and back plates can slide over the bottom and fixed with glue. I use standard PVC glue. It is not the stuff that's used for pvc pipes because that stuff is quite thin. I bought a tube of general plastics-glue marked suitable for any kind of PVC.

So the front plate, the back plates (incl coverplate) and the "ears" are glued. The strips that hold the bottom wheels are glued and screwed on.The rest is screws only. Mainly because I need to be able to tweak, adjust and fix things inside.

But beware of the panning and tilting ultrasonic rangefinder! It cannot see the floor! The ultrasound simply bounces off.

so whats the purpose of two

so whats the purpose of two IR sensors as opposed to one? also is it possible to see more of how you have your box mounted together? It seems like you glue on an extra sheet of PVC to kind of add a bevel?


Also I’d love to see how your head and neck are constructed I absolutely love it and plan on incorporating some of your ideas in a quadrapedal project I’m trying.

IR sensors

I use two sensors instead of one to instantly know whether an object is on the left or the right side of the bot. The plan is to get the ir sensors to look at the floor in front of the bot. Either the left sensor looks down left and the right sensor looks down right or aim them to cross.

Right now I just stuck 'm on there to see if they were usable. I’m not sure I’ll keep both of them on.

The base is slided into the back and front plates as shown in the drawing and they are glued in place. The front and back are open in the middle. You can see that at the front, because the display is visible there without a coverplate. I glued a 2mm coverplate over the backplate and mounted the battery backpack there using doublesided tape (the Frits! way)

As you can see on the drawing there is a bit sticking out under the baseplate; both at the front and back. A sidebar is glued and screwed on there. The sidebar holds the idler wheels.

I’ll post some pictures with better detail next time I take him apart.

Are the tracks from
Are the tracks from solarbotics, and are they two sets of treads on each side? thats like $60 :O??


I use 22 segments on each

I use 22 segments on each side (2 more than the 20 that come with de standerd package)

Its 1 gearmotor and treads package ($40) . You get 20 tread-segments on each side. I bought 2 extra idlers ($2.25 each) and 10 tread-segments extra ($7.70). So that’s only about $13 more than the standard treads package.

He’s done?! Well, looks

He’s done?! Well, looks like the project came out great … something you can be proud of. Really unique and cute, too. Congrats on finishing your second robot!

I want my third bot (second “real” bot with a brain) to be similar to this design, too. Basically because I’m obsessed with Wall-E and I want my own. :wink:

I have one tip: Make it a little bigger than this one. I left no room for arms.

While Edward’s size is part
While Edward’s size is part of his charm, the project would probably be easier if it were larger. Yes, I think I’m going to make mine the “actual size” of Wall-E. Maybe 50% bigger than yours. While arms would great, I’ll wait until I start the project to decide if I want to add them or not.