Easy-made manipulator

well, it’s my first manipulator. ist’s nothing special, but it’s better than everything i did with this metal contruction box i have. it would be great, when there is someone who wants to help me, so i can control it from my pc, but you have to know ,that i’m totally new in this stuff(but i work hard to improve myself). i work on a new project wich shoud be ready after some months, but i’ll probably make a video before that. so, enjoy!

pick some small objects

  • Actuators / output devices: 4 servos
  • Control method: wires
  • Power source: 6V

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/easy-made-manipulator

WOW! / Fritsl


/ Fritsl

that is pretty awsome with

that is pretty awsome with the whole electroinics part.


Very well done…Now in the

Very well done…

Now in the spirit of drumming machines - it just needs a drumstick and something to rap on. If its going to keep up with the sound track you may have to up the voltage significantly :slight_smile:

considering you did so well with the video - maybe you could make it look like its fast by removing every other frame,

keep up the great work


Very Cool!

Don’t be rediculous, what a wonderful device! Very well done! What code/ microcontroler did you use?


well, that was my point
well, that was my point naming it “easy-made”… there is no controller, no code, not a single resistor, etc. the manipulator is controlable only with a “joystick” i’ve created. 4 servos - 5 buttons(the best i could make without any electronics knowledge). but it’s comming more and i will need help for that(soon)!

Still Impressive
You don’t give yourself enough credit. You might want to make this into a tutorial. I might want to try building one of these.

:slight_smile: i might, you might (:
10x! i’m glad you liked it! but… it’s too late for a tutorial… i needed some of the parts for experimenting and the robo-hand is half apart. the good news is that, its not that hard to make something like this. there are only two tricky parts - motors 1 and 4. i can help you telling what is NOT going to work, in case you want to build it. the rest can be build the way you like it. i can send you hi-res pics on your mail, if you want to, but a whole tutorial…
10x again!


my inspiration for making the easy-made manipulator

You can’t piece together a guide of some sort? I’d love to make one of these.


Stop-motion in planning =

Stop-motion in planning = cool!

/ Fritsl


:slight_smile: i can, but i will not… it’s simply TOO much work. why don’t you start, as i told you and i’ll help you with everything i can. i don’t really understand what you expecting from me - a detailed plan what comes first, what second, with pictures and videos?!? :slight_smile: i will need weeks to make this… as i allready told - i have hi-res pictures, where u can see allmost every part. i never used tutorials building legos or metal kits like this and i don’t see the point making something exactly the same like someone else did… don’t be angry, but there is NO WAY loosing 2 weeks for a tutorial. i will make pictures for every step in my new project, but i won’t build THIS one more time, only because u wanna know which nut comes first.
i’d love to help you make one of these. :slight_smile:

little spiro

no servos in the kit included

i bought the EITECH C60 and EITECH 65 kits from ebay. the servos are the cheeper in germany - MODELCRAFT RS-2(~3€). i pulled out the whole electronic out, so that it runs continuously in both directions. that’s it! tha whole thing costs ~18€(without wires, because i have a lot of them and i didn’t have to buy new)


there are pictures already… i have the same and a bit more in hi-res, but the forum didn’t allow pictures over 500x500. you can watch the video in youtube in hi-res too…

Huh?I post 1mil X 1mil all


I post 1mil X 1mil all the time!

erh - well it is scaled
erh - well it is scaled down, of course. But you can attach them as files if you want bigger ones. And I also recomend having them in picasa, flickr etc where they specialize in large images / thumnails etc.

**yep, **
but the f*cking picasa don’t play GIFs :((( i have an album though - http://picasaweb.google.com/little.spiro/TECH


We don’t see enough Meccano around here.

Let’s work on an RS-232 motor controller.

Huh? Oh - Animated gifs?

Huh? Oh - Animated gifs? That was 1999, my friend! Today = no more animated gifs!

However - if you do have your pictures there;

A) in "more information" why not enter the URL to the album there? (edit your bot)

B) When inserting images - why not just copy the URL (right-click image in Picasa, get address) - and insert them by pasting that URL here on LMR - much simpler :slight_smile:


Animated GIFs RULE!
Dude, not everyone has the time to keep up with change. Two kids and a mortgage would show you what life is. Now, if you were to switch on animated GIFs, you would be able to see the FRONT of my avatar, not just the back.

1999 was a great year for

1999 was a great year for the starcraft players too, but that do not means i can’t play any more. the year is 1987, though(and an URL, of course - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gif). so give me an advice and tell me how to put a hi-res animation in a forum without using GIF. i mean something like this here - http://robotics-bg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=3298#3298

A)because i’m not sure, that i’ll stay here for a long time

B) because i don’t like poor presentations
