Easy-made manipulator

hahahahaah :ppp
hahahahaah :ppp

Let’s work on an RS-232 motor controller. !!!
Uhuuu! well, that’s what i was waiting for! shoud i buy new servos WITH electronics, or it’s ok without too…?

Well… Click on the little

Well… Click on the little tree, and insert…



I have somewhere to lay such a designer :slight_smile: will try to assemble such a robot :slight_smile: Mp3

it’s easy and low-cost, so do it. i’m sure you can make some improvements. the hand(how is the english word - gripper?) for example. it’s too slow and unsteady. the base isn’t the best too. but it’s probably the best for the price. try it. it’s fun for couple of hours ;p


Well, if it were me, I would not have ripped out ALL the electrics. Buy a couple more and either:


1) just rip out the potentiometer and solder in a pair of identical resistors in its place as a potential divider


2) leave the pot in, but saw off the twiddly bit so it doesn’t contact with the output shaft. Twiddle it so it’s in the middle.

THEN, all you have to do is write a program to output a square wave pulse. one pulse every 18.5ms. The pulse length should be between about 500us and 1500us and the length is directly proportional to the motor speed. Values below 1000us will drive the motor one way and above 1000 will drive it the other way with 1000us being “off”.

Piece of cake.

Keep your eyes open and I think you’ll soon see a bunch of generic robot “modules” being develope, oe of which is likely to be an RS-232 servo controller.

Dude that is soo NOT lame!! BTW - what is the tune inthe video? I know somone who would be extremely irritated by it.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DJ_Food - that’s all i know now, because i have a lot of stuff from them and i’m not sure which track is it, but they are all good. tell your friend he shoud dl the discography! :wink:

new control joystick
hi guys! i wanted to make a new control box for my robot, but i’m done only with the half of it. that’s for the fingers(up/down) and the base(left/right). any ideas how to make the second part? i need 2 up/down sticks for motor “2” and motor “3”…

sweet machine

I’m impressed by your robot arm, little_spiro. In fact, I’m so impressed, I’m going to tinker with my own design. The arm’s design is radically simple, even if it LOOKS complicated. Considering the fact that you know about as much about electronics as I do, that’s a dang good design. I have been looking into robot arm design for a while though because I’ve been wanting to build my own. So from a design perspective, I’m a little better off (Thank you Gordon McComb!) Since I’m going to be using a different metal stock, I’ll mount my servos at the base of the arm to cut down on unnecessary weight. By all means, please try the idea! If you used it in an arm similar to the one in your video, you would nearly double its speed and power.


I have also noticed that at least one or two people in the blog have been asking you for more detailed specifications or even a howto. Don’t bother, little_spiro. If these cats are not able to get enough inspiration and insight to start tinkering from sitting down and watching your video, you really don’t need to waste your time on more than a few technicial questions.


And no, I’m not talkin’ down to the rest of you on the post. I’m just sayin’ that you’ve got it in you to build the arm better and stronger than the original. little_spiro did his job. He inspired us. Let’s kick some ass!


Its not lame. I like all the strings and moving parts. Two Thumbs up!!!

you should enter the write

you should enter the write LMR challenge