this is a plan/design/idea/i don’t know what i am doing. this is my very first robot plan. so if you could help me in any way please do. i am planning on using a Picaxe 28x1 or whatever the starter one is. please comment supportivley!
Are you building the starter robot for this? It looks that’s what it is (minus the treads). Are you going to do it straight up like the tutorial, or will you be modifying it some to ‘make it your own’?
Yep, I do. I’m doing the same thing. I’ll be building the basic “Start Here” robot, then adding onto it a little to expand my learning. I’ll start out with doing wheels, but treads look cool, so they will be a future addon for a project.
After I get Start Here working, I’ll be modifying it to seek dark places. He’ll be like a little vampire bot
At the moment I think he’s At the moment I think he’s gonna be a bit back heavy with those proportions. Realistically he’s gonna be a bit longer I think.
My father is not letting me build this robot. he says we should get a-dare i say- KIT so i know where the stuff goes. i fought for my right to build my planned robot, but he refused! i know most of you know that it’s just not the same if you get a kit. you won’t feel the rush of your original code doing what it was meant to do. I won’t feel the rush of creating robotic life! ;( so as it turns out, sadly, this will be my second robot. ;(
there will be a new design without treads. why? treads are $40!!! EACH!!! i will later do an E-Wall 2.0 with treads. for now, he is just a "Start Here" robot. but he will have something extra… find out once i am done!
It’s $10, plus shipping to whereever you are. They aren’t shipping today or tomorrow though, cause they are moving offices, so it might be a day or three before they are able to do much with your order.