Dual motor controllers

I have tried an Actobotics dual motor controller and currently am running two separate esc’s to make my bot work. I wanted a dual like yours but when I combined TWO of theirs with our spekrum radios…nothing. But the two seperate esc’s work. I would like to try yours but getting close to combat. What am I missing?

Hello @Fonz and welcome to the RobostShop community,

If I understood correctly the problem is that you have not been able to make the controller work with your Spektrum radio, maybe the problem is the configuration of the controller so I invite you to see the following guide

The mode you want to use is 1 or Digital Speed Control Mode so you will have to use a 1000 - 2000 µs digital PWM signal and remove the jumpers from the POT and SRV pins, as shown below:

In this video you will find a more detailed explanation about the configuration:

I hope this information is helpful to you and that you can solve the problem