DT101 G3

This is my first robot for LMR, although ive been designing robots for 2 years now.

At my High School i have access to 2 CNC machines, 1 laser cutter, and a $21,000 3-D printer, as well as Autodesk inventor 2013.

as well as a lot of spare parts from our FRC FIRST robotics club Bear Metal.

the goal of the robot is for learning and experimenting with the raspberry pi.


P.S i could use some help getting code written so it can be controlled wirlessly via wi-fi by an X-box controller, as im a novice in the programming area.

 Real image comming soon!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/dt101-g3

Your first problem will be that

XBOX controllers aren’t wifi enabled, to my knowledge.

Second, you tried using a bmp(?) for your image. That doesn’t work. JPEG or PNG are the only two types I know that work.

The reason people use Wiimotes and the like, is because they are BT enabled. Add a BT adapter to your project, and, read it like serial input. An RPi might read it as a BT adapter, but, it is still just serial data. 

Can you please try and

Can you please try and upload another picture, web friendly format, like jpg or png?
