Driving a ride on toy car motor

Hi folks,

As part of a project I'm building I need to create a rotating platform and I recently salvaged a DC motor and its gear train from a ride on toy car, so I thought if it can scoot a child around it should have enough torque for this application. The problem is that I'm not sure how to drive it.

The platform is 80cm diameter with some stuff on it that weight around 2Kg (distributed around the rim of the platform). It doesn't need to spin fast. In fact it's better if it spins slowly. It also spins quite infrequently, perhaps one full rotation once per minute then it stops until the next one. It also should spin in only one direction. It's a stationary machine, so I won't power it from batteries but from a PSU.

The motor has no useful markings on the case except a "Johnson" logo and a code that can't be found anywhere in the Johnson's web site or on google. But with some research I figured the motor should be this one:


What troubles me about it is the stall current of 60A. I've never worked with currents that high, and I'm not sure what I can use to drive it. All the motor drivers I've built so far have been based on L298N (or TIP120 for things that don't need direction control), but these components are not even in the ballpark for handling that kind of current.

I thought about using a relay but I'm not sure which component can be a good choice, assuming a relay is the way to go.

How would you go about driving it, possibly without spending a fortune ? And alternatively, whay would be a good replacement motor for this application ?

Thanks in advance for any advice.