Driver Circuit

Hi Guys
I am a beginner …i would like you to tell me what a driver circuit is…what are the types …how to make one ,for controlling 4 motors…

Most DIY motor controllers were historically based on the L298/L293 Dual H-Bridge motor driver chip. You may find circuit diagrams online to build your own circuit using components. You would require 2 Dual H-Bridge motor drivers for 4 motors. Otherwise you may purchase a motor drive kit and solder the components on the PCB. Solarbotics offers such a Motor Driver Kit.

Hi joker.mkt,

RobotShop labels them as “motor controllers”. A DC motor controller (for DC motors) often uses an H-bridge. To control these, a manufacturer often chooses a control method. You can also access our growing article base to see articles such as Learning to Drive: The BLDC Motor by Fred Eady. The price of pre-built motor controllers is low enough to warrant not having to create your own custom design unless you want the experience.

Hope this gets you started.