Drive a standard HD44780 LCD using a PCF8574 and I2C

Any parallelly interfaced character LCD you get these days will have a Hitachi HD44780 chip or a different one compatible with the HD44780. These usually have 14 pins (16 if have backlight)

  • D0-D7 is the bi-directional data bus
  • R/W determines if we read from or write to the LCD
  • RS stands for "register select". RS=0 means that the instruction register is selected. RS=1 means that the data register is selected. In other words, according to the status of RS pin, the data on the data bus is treated either as a command or character data.
  • E pin enables or disables the LCD module. When Enable is low the LCD is disabled and the status of RS,R/W and the data bus will be ignored. When Enable pin is high the LCD is enabled and the status of the other control pins and data bus will be processed by the LCD. When writing to the display, data is transferred only on the high to low transition of this signal.
  • Vo pin is for adjusting the contrast of the display. Usually, when this pin is grounded the pixels will be the darkest.
  • Vcc is the power supply pin

The commands for HD44780 chip are:

  • Function set (8-bit interface, 2 lines, 5*7 Pixels): 0x38
  • Function set (8-bit interface, 1 line, 5*7 Pixels): 0x30
  • Function set (4-bit interface, 2 lines, 5*7 Pixels): 0x28
  • Function set (4-bit interface, 1 line, 5*7 Pixels): 0x20
  • Scroll display one character right (all lines): 0x1E
  • Scroll display one character left (all lines): 0x18
  • Home (move cursor to top/left character position):0x02
  • Move cursor one character left: 0x10
  • Move cursor one character right: 0x14
  • Turn on visible underline cursor: 0x0E
  • Turn on visible blinking-block cursor: 0x0F
  • Make cursor invisible: 0x0C
  • Blank the display (without clearing): 0x08
  • Restore the display (with cursor hidden): 0x0C
  • Clear Screen: 0x01
  • Set cursor position (DDRAM address): 0x80+ addr
  • Set pointer in character-generator RAM (CG RAM address): 0x40+ addr
  • Entry mode set: 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07
    i.e. : %000001IS
    I : 0 = Dec Cursor 1 = Inc Cursor
    S : 0 = Cursor Move 1 = Display Shift

To send a command: set R/W pin to0 (write), set RS pin to 0 (command selected), put the command to data bus D0-D7.

Set E pin to 1 then to 0 (remember: data is transferred only on the high to low transition of this signal).

To send data: set R/W pin to0 (write), set RS pin to 1 (data selected), put the data to bus D0-D7, rise E and then back to 0.


HD44780 based LCD displays MUST be initialized.
An internal reset circuit automatically initializes the HD44780U when the power is turned on.

The data sheet warns that under certain conditions, the lcd may fail to initialize properly when power is first applied. This is particulary likely if the Vdd supply does not rise to its correct operating voltage quickly enough. It is recommended that after power is applied a command sequence of 3 bytes of values $30 is sent to the module. This will guarantee that the module is in 8 bit mode and properly initialised.

The HDD44780 lcd control chip was designed to be compatible with 4-bit processor. Once the display is put in 4 bit mode, using the Function Set command, it is a simple matter of sending two nibbles instead of one byte, for each subsequent command or character. When using 4 bit mode only data lines D4 to D7 are used. Note that the Function set command for 4-bit interface, 2 lines, 5*7 Pixels is 0x28. So first use the Function set command $20 (4-bit interface, 1 line, 5*7 Pixels); from now on, all commands and data must be sent in two halves, the upper four bits first.
Now you can send the Function set command 0x28.

Take now the well-known PCF8574P. This is a general purpose eight-bit input/output chip.
The hard-coded address is: 0100.A2A1A0
The 0100 part is hard-coded in the PCF8574P.
The A2A1A0 is for us to choose. Make these bits one or zero by tying the corresponding pins to Vcc or Ground:

NOTE: Philips produces two variants of this IC: the PCF8574 and the PCF8574A. The only difference is the I2C chip address!
PCF8574 0100.A2A1A0
PCF8574A 0111.A2A1A0

Important: the I2C standard prescribes pull-up resistors on the SDA and SCL line. This is one of the most common mistakes when first using an I2C interface. Forget the pull-ups and your interface will not work (sigh!). Picaxe manual show resistors of 4k7 ohms.
Arduino don't need pull up resistor.

Now connect all together!



Sample Picaxe code

Please use a fixed size font or C&P this code to picaxe editor.

' schema:
' +---------------------------------------------------------------+
' | |
' | LCD DISPLAY Hitachi HD44780 Standard |
' | |
' | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
' +-+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-+
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
' GND V+ CNT RS RW E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 LV+ LGND
' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
' = +5 | | = | | | | |
' | +-+ | | | | | | |
' | < | | | | | | |
' | 10K ><+ +------------------+ | | | |
' | < | | | | | |
' +-----+ | | | | | |
' | | | | | |
' | | | | | |
' | | | | | |
' | | | | | |
' to Picaxe I2C | | | | | |
' ^ ^ | | | | | |
' +5 | | ++ | | | | |
' | | | | | | | | | | | |
' +-+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-+ | | | |
' | V+ SDA SCD INT P7 P6 P5 P4| | | | |
' | | | | | |
' D PCF8574 port expander | | | | |
' | | | | | |
' | A0 A1 A2 P0 P1 P2 P3 GND| | | | |
' +-+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-+ | | | |
' | | | | | | | | | | | |
' +---+---+ | | | +------------------------+
' | | | +------------------------+
' gnd | +------------------------+
' +------------------------+
' name - 8574 bit - LCD
' ------ -------- ---------------
SYMBOL DB4 = 0 ; LCD Data Line 4 (pin 11)
SYMBOL DB5 = 1 ; LCD Data Line 5 (pin 12)
SYMBOL DB6 = 2 ; LCD Data Line 6 (pin 13)
SYMBOL DB7 = 3 ; LCD Data Line 7 (pin 14)
SYMBOL RS = 4 ; 0 = Command 1 = Data (pin 4)
; 5 free (to pin 15 for lcd bk light, for ex.)
; 6 free
SYMBOL E = 7 ; 0 = Idle 1 = Active (pin 6)

SYMBOL Addr8574 = $40 ; this is the 8574 I2C address
; A2=A1=A0=0 <-> x100 000x

SYMBOL RSCMDmask = %00000000 ; Select Command register
SYMBOL RSDATmask = %00010000 ; Select Data register = High P4 on 8574
SYMBOL Emask = %11100000 ; Enable = P7 on 8574

SYMBOL temp = b11
SYMBOL aByte = b12
SYMBOL rsbit = b13
SYMBOL index = b14

GOSUB InitialiseLcd ; Initialise the LCD


aByte = $01 'clear
GOSUB SendCmdByte

aByte = 2 * 8 | $40 ; Program User Defined Character 2
GOSUB SendCmdByte
aByte = %00110 : GOSUB SendDataByte ; ##
aByte = %10110 : GOSUB SendDataByte ; # ##
aByte = %11111 : GOSUB SendDataByte ; #####
aByte = %00101 : GOSUB SendDataByte ; # #
aByte = %00100 : GOSUB SendDataByte ; #
aByte = %00100 : GOSUB SendDataByte ; #
aByte = %01010 : GOSUB SendDataByte ; # #
aByte = %10001 : GOSUB SendDataByte ; # #

aByte = 2 ; put User Defined Character 2
GOSUB SendCmdByte ' goto home

table 10, ("Let's make")
table 20, ("ROBOT")

for b0 = 10 to 19
readtable b0,aByte
GOSUB SendDataByte
next b0

aByte = $80 | $40 ; Put cursor at start of Line 2
GOSUB SendCmdByte

wait 1
for b0 = 20 to 24
readtable b0,aByte
GOSUB SendDataByte
next b0

wait 3

aByte = $80 | $0C ; Put cursor at start of Line 2
GOSUB SendCmdByte
aByte = 2 ; Display User Defined Character 2
GOSUB SendDataByte
wait 9
aByte = 1
GOSUB SendCmdByte

goto mainloop

' -----------------------------------------------------------------

' initialize I2C
i2cslave Addr8574, i2cslow, i2cbyte

for index = 0 TO 5
read index,aByte
gosub SendInitCmdByte

' Nibble commands - To initialise 4-bit mode

eeprom 0,( $33 ) ; %0011---- %0011---- 8-bit / 8-bit
eeprom 1,( $32 ) ; %0011---- %0010---- 8-bit / 4-bit

' Byte commands - To configure the LCD

; Display Format
; 4bit mode, 2 lines, 5x7
; 001LNF00
eeprom 2,( $28 ) ; %00101000
; L : 0 = 4-bit Mode 1 = 8-bit Mode
; N : 0 = 1 Line 1 = 2 Lines
; F : 0 = 5x7 Pixels 1 = N/A

; Setup Display
; Display ON, Cursor On, Cursor Steady
; 00001DCB
eeprom 3,( $0E ) ; %00001110
; D : 0 = Display Off 1 = Display On
; C : 0 = Cursor Off 1 = Cursor On
; B : 0 = Cursor Steady 1 = Cursor Flash

; Setup Cursor/Display
; Inc Cursor Cursor Move
; 000001IS
eeprom 4,( $06 ) ; %00000110 %000001IS Cursor Move
; I : 0 = Dec Cursor 1 = Inc Cursor
; S : 0 = Cursor Move 1 = Display Shift

eeprom 5,( $01 ) ; Clear Screen


' -----------------------------------------------------------------

pause 15 ; Delay 15mS at 4MHz


rsbit = RSCMDmask ; Send to Command register


' via I2C
temp = aByte >> 4 | rsbit
gosub DirectSendCmd
' put LSB
temp = aByte & $0F | rsbit
rsbit = RSDATmask ; Send to Data register next

temp = temp xor Emask ' E=1
writei2c (temp) ' send to 8574 via I2C
temp = temp xor Emask ' E=0
writei2c (temp)

I have a couple questions.

I am new at this and was wondering.

1. Your eeprom calls are they for a specific memory chip (like calls to memory allocations)? And if so does the Pic 28 come with the memory or did you add eeprom memory chip to the system?

2. I am getting MOP-AL162A-BYFY from

Will this work in the same type of way since it is a Parallel Interface?

3. I see you have some other chips on your Bread Board. Are any of those to control the LCD? For the one I am getting it states it already has a controler on it. So I am just wondering if I may need something extra to get it to work.


Thanks for the tip! :slight_smile:

1. I’m using the axe020-28

1. I’m using the axe020-28 Pin poject board. Take a look at the Picaxe manual for the eeprom istruction.

  • Syntax:
    DATA {location},(data,data…)
    EEPROM {location},(data,data…)
    - Location is an optional constant (0-255) which specifies where to begin
    storing the data in the eeprom. If no location is specified, storage continues
    from where it last left off. If no location was initially specified, storage begins at 0.
    - Data are constants (0-255) which will be stored in the eeprom.
    Preload EEPROM data memory. If no EEPROM command is used the values are
    automatically cleared to the value 0. The keywords DATA and EEPROM have
    identical functions and either can be used.
    This is not an instruction, but a method of pre-loading the microcontrollers data
    memory. The command does not affect program length.

2. YES. On ebay you can buy a 2x20 LCD with b/l for about 5euros (6.7 usd). Without b/l for about 4euros. So much less then a serial display!

3. ? yes? You can see some other chips? There are some resistors (the damn pull-up resistors :@, don’t needed if you have an Arduino…), a capacitor, 2 leds…

just some other prices on

just some other prices on ebay:

4x16 LCD with b/l : eur 5.45

4x20 LCD with b/l : eur 5.93

4x20 LCD with b/l and metal frame: eur 7.01

PCF8574 dip16: eur 0.96


with much less then 10 USD you can build an I2C display!




Only one extra
LCDs usually need a potentiometer to change the voltage on the contrast pin, labeled Vo (pin 3) above. What Runaround demostrated here is a parallel interface, specifically of a 4 bit interface. An 8 bit interface is also possible.

Cool thanks for the information!

Thanks for helping!

i2c PCF8574 LCD

Thanks for the tips - excellent work!

I knew there had to be a way to do this - just couldnt work it out!

I am using i2c for a number of things in my project and have other PCF 8574’s on the bus all working nicely but wanted to add an LCD.I have the circuit working as per your example but am stuck when trying to us it to display the contents of a variable - can you help?

Say i have b5 = 1 to 255 and i want to display it as a number - how could i do that?

All i seem to get is the ascii character that the number represents

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:
