
See the video at http://alexleut.com/drawbot.html

This was my first legitimate "robot." I hacked it together from an arduino and a RC car chassis. Bizarrely, the forward/backward for the drive motor was pretty unproportionate. Because of this, my attempts at doing stuff like rendering golden spirals (via a little fibs generator) didn't work, so I just ended up using stuff in its way to keep it from getting out of control.

I plan to make a more controllable bot, maybe this time with modified servos or steppers to drive it.

Stuff used:

  • Standard Arduino Duemilanove
  • L293D based motor shield from ladyada (http://www.ladyada.net/make/mshield/)
  • Cheap RC car
  • Lots of tape



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/drawbot

I like the pen showing its

I just watched the video from your link. Very neat!

Can you add some more details on the components and build? What can you program it to draw?

More details added, nothing too fancy. :slight_smile:


i want that kit …

how can i do this one my self

1. Create robot2. Add
1. Create robot
2. Add marker
3. Program moves to make the marker write what you want
4. Sip lemonaid and enjoy!